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Drake is a make-like task runner for Deno.
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import { colors, existsSync, path } from "./deps.ts";import { env } from "./env.ts";import { Graph } from "./graph.ts";import { abort, debug, DrakeError, glob, log, readFile, vers, writeFile,} from "./utils.ts";
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type Action = (this: Task) => any;
type FileCache = { size: number; mtime: string;};type TaskCache = { [filename: string]: FileCache;};type RegistryCache = { [task: string]: TaskCache;};
/** Drake cache file contents. */type DrakeCache = { version: string; os: string; tasks: RegistryCache;};
/** Drake task. */export class Task { /** Unique task name or file path */ name: string; desc: string; prereqs: string[]; action?: Action; cache?: TaskCache;
/** * Create a new task. * Task name and prerequisite names are normalized. */ constructor(name: string, desc: string, prereqs: string[], action?: Action) { name = normalizeTaskName(name); = name; this.desc = desc; prereqs = normalizePrereqs(prereqs); const dup = prereqs.find((x) => prereqs.indexOf(x) !== prereqs.lastIndexOf(x) ); if (dup) { abort(`${name}: duplicate prerequisite: ${dup}`); } this.prereqs = prereqs; if (action) { this.action = action.bind(this); } }
private static fileInfo(path: string): FileCache { const info = Deno.statSync(path); if (!info.mtime) { abort(`${path}: invalid mtime: ${info.mtime}`); } return { size: info.size, mtime: info.mtime.toISOString(), }; }
updateCache(): void { if (!isFileTask( { return; } const taskCache: TaskCache = {}; if (existsSync( { taskCache[] = Task.fileInfo(; } for (const prereq of this.prereqs) { if (isFileTask(prereq)) { if (existsSync(prereq)) { const info = Deno.statSync(prereq); taskCache[prereq] = Task.fileInfo(prereq); } } else { delete taskCache[prereq]; } } debug("updateCache", `${}`); this.cache = taskCache; }
/** * Return `true` if: * * - The target file does not exist. * - The target file or any of the prerequisite files have changed * since the task was last executed successfully. * - The Drake version or the operating system has changed * since the task was last executed successfully. * * Throw error is one or more prerequisite files are missing. */ isOutOfDate(): boolean { const prereqs = this.prereqs.filter((p) => isFileTask(p)); let result = false; let debugMsg = "false"; for (const prereq of prereqs) { if (!existsSync(prereq)) { if (env("--dry-run")) { // Assume the missing prerequisite would have been created thus rendering the target out of date. debugMsg = `true: dry run`; result = true; break; } abort(`${}: missing prerequisite file: "${prereq}"`); } } if (result) { // Break. } else if (!this.cache) { debugMsg = "true: no previous task cache"; result = true; } else if (!existsSync( { debugMsg = "true: no target file"; result = true; } else { for (const filename of [, ...prereqs]) { const prev = this.cache[filename]; if (!prev) { debugMsg = `true: no previous cache: ${filename}`; result = true; break; } const curr = Task.fileInfo(filename); if ( curr.size !== prev.size || curr.mtime !== prev.mtime ) { debugMsg = `true: ${filename}\nfrom: ${JSON.stringify(prev)}\nto: ${ JSON.stringify(curr) }`; result = true; break; } } } debug("isOutOfDate", `${}: ${debugMsg}`); return result; }}
/** Task registry map. */export class TaskRegistry extends Map<string, Task> { lastDesc: string;
constructor() { super(); this.lastDesc = ""; }
/** * Lookup task by task name. * Throw error if task does not exist. */ get(name: string): Task { name = normalizeTaskName(name); if (!this.has(name)) { abort(`missing task: ${name}`); } return super.get(name)!; }
/** * Add task to registry. * Throw error if task is already registered. */ set(name: string, task: Task) { name = normalizeTaskName(name); if (this.has(name)) { abort(`task already exists: ${name}`); } return super.set(name, task); }
/** Set description of next registered task. */ desc(description: string): void { this.lastDesc = description; }
/** Create and register a task. */ register(name: string, prereqs: string[], action?: Action): void { debug("register", `${name}: ${this.lastDesc}`); this.set(name, new Task(name, this.lastDesc, prereqs, action)); this.lastDesc = ""; // Consume description. }
cacheFile(): string { if (!env("--cache")) { return path.join(env("--directory"), ".drake.cache.json"); } else { return env("--cache"); } }
loadCache(filename: string): void { if (!existsSync(filename)) { debug("loadCache:", `no cache file: ${filename}`); return; } debug("loadCache"); const json = readFile(filename); let cache: DrakeCache; let deleteCache = false; try { cache = JSON.parse(json); if (cache.version !== vers()) { log(`drake version changed: deleting cache file: ${filename}`); deleteCache = true; } else if (cache.os !== { log(`operating system changed: deleting cache file: ${filename}`); deleteCache = true; } else { for (const taskname of Object.keys(cache.tasks)) { if (this.has(taskname)) { this.get(taskname).cache = cache.tasks[taskname]; } } } } catch { abort(`corrupt cache file: ${filename}`); } if (deleteCache) { Deno.removeSync(filename); } }
saveCache(filename: string): void { if (env("--dry-run")) { debug("saveCache", "dry run"); return; } const tasksCache: RegistryCache = {}; for (const task of this.values()) { if (isFileTask( && task.cache) { tasksCache[] = task.cache; } } if (Object.keys(tasksCache).length !== 0) { debug("saveCache"); const cache: DrakeCache = { version: vers(), os:, tasks: tasksCache, } as const; writeFile(filename, JSON.stringify(cache, null, 1)); } else { debug("saveCache", "skipped empty cache"); } }
/** Create a printable list of tasks. */ list(): string[] { let keys = Array.from(this.keys()); if (!env("--list-all")) { keys = keys.filter((k) => this.get(k).desc); // Drop "hidden" tasks. } const maxLen = keys.reduce(function (a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? a : b; }).length; const result: string[] = []; for (const k of keys.sort()) { const task = this.get(k); const padding = " ".repeat(maxLen - k.length); let msg = k; if (k === env("--default-task")) { msg = colors.underline(msg); } msg += padding; if (task.desc) { msg = `${} ${task.desc}`; } else { msg =; } if (env("--list-all") && task.prereqs.length > 0) { msg += `\n${ => `${" ".repeat(maxLen)} ${colors.yellow(prereq)}` ).join("\n") }`; } result.push(msg); } return result; }
/** * Recursively expand prerequisites and return a list of prerequisite tasks. */ private expand(names: string[]): Task[] { let result: Task[] = []; names = [...names]; names.reverse(); // Result maintains the same order as the list of names. for (const name of names) { if (isFileTask(name) && !this.has(name)) { continue; // Ignore prerequisite paths that don't have a task. } const task = this.get(name); for (const prereq of task.prereqs) { if (isNormalTask(prereq) && !this.has(prereq)) { abort(`${name}: missing prerequisite task: ${prereq}`); } if (isNormalTask(name) && isFileTask(prereq) && !this.has(prereq)) { // A prerequisite path without a matching task does nothing in a normal task. abort(`${name}: missing prerequisite task: ${prereq}`); } } result.unshift(task); result = [...this.resolveDependencies(task.prereqs), ...result]; } return result; }
/** * Return a list of tasks and all dependent tasks from the list of task names. * Ordered in first to last execution order, */ resolveDependencies(names: string[]): Task[] { const result: Task[] = []; for (const task of this.expand(names)) { // Drop downstream duplicates. if (result.find((t) => === { continue; } result.push(task); } return result; }
/** Throw error if there are one or more task dependency cycles. */ checkForCycles(): void { const graph = new Graph(); for (const task of this.keys()) { graph.addNode(task, this.get(task).prereqs.filter((p) => this.has(p))); } graph.searchForCycles(); if (graph.errors.length > 0) { abort(graph.errors.join(", ")); } }
/** * Run tasks and prerequisite tasks in the correct dependency order. */ async run(...names: string[]) { names = => normalizeTaskName(name)); for (const name of names) { if (!this.has(name)) { abort(`missing task: ${name}`); } } const cacheFile = this.cacheFile(); // Freeze cache for this run. this.loadCache(cacheFile); this.checkForCycles(); const tasks = this.resolveDependencies(names); const msg = `${`run:`))}`; const startTime = new Date().getTime(); log(`${msg} started`); for (const task of tasks) { const savedAbortExits = env("--abort-exits"); env().setValue("--abort-exits", false); try { await this.execute(; env().setValue("--abort-exits", savedAbortExits); } catch (e) { env().setValue("--abort-exits", savedAbortExits); this.saveCache(cacheFile); if (e instanceof DrakeError) { abort(e.message); } else { throw e; } } } this.saveCache(cacheFile); log(`${msg} finished (${new Date().getTime() - startTime}ms)`); }
/** * Execute task action functions. * First the non-async actions are executed synchronously then the * async actions are exectuted asynchronously. * Silently skip tasks that have no action function. */ async execute(...names: string[]) { if (names.length === 0) { return; } names = => normalizeTaskName(name)); if (names.every((name) => !this.get(name).action)) { debug(names.join(" "), "no action"); return; } if (env("--dry-run")) { log(`${`${names}:`))} dry run`); return; } let msg = ""; let startTime: number = 0; if (names.length === 1) { msg = `${`${names[0]}:`))}`; } else { msg =`execute ${names.length} tasks:`)); log(`${msg} started`); startTime = new Date().getTime(); } const asyncTasks: Task[] = []; for (const name of names) { const task = this.get(name); if (!task.action) { debug(name, "no action"); continue; } if ( isFileTask( && !env("--always-make") && !task.isOutOfDate() ) { continue; } if (names.length === 1) { log(`${msg} started`); startTime = new Date().getTime(); } if ( === "AsyncFunction") { asyncTasks.push(task); } else { task.action(); task.updateCache(); } } await Promise.all( => t.action!())); for (const task of asyncTasks) { task.updateCache(); } if (startTime) { log(`${msg} finished (${new Date().getTime() - startTime}ms)`); } }}
/* Helper functions */
/** * Return true if `name` is a normal task name. Normal task names contain one or more alphanumeric, * underscore and hyphen characters and cannot start with a hyphen. * * isNormalTask("hello-world") // true * isNormalTask("io.ts") // false * isNormalTask("./hello-world") // false * */export function isNormalTask(name: string): boolean { return /^\w[\w-]*$/.test(name);}
/** * Return true if `name` is a file task name. File task names are valid file paths. * * isFileTask("io.ts") // true * isFileTask("hello-world") // false * isFileTask("./hello-world") // true * */export function isFileTask(name: string): boolean { return !isNormalTask(name);}
/** * The path name is normalized and, if necessary, prefixed with a period and path separator to * distinguish it from non-file task name. * * normalizePath("hello-world") // "./hello-world" * normalizePath("./lib/io.ts") // "lib/io.ts" */export function normalizePath(name: string): string { name = path.normalize(name); if (isNormalTask(name)) { name = "." + path.sep + name; } return name;}
/** Normalize Drake task name. Throw an error if the name is blank or it contains wildcard * characters. */export function normalizeTaskName(name: string): string { name = name.trim(); if (name === "") { abort("blank task name"); } if (path.isGlob(name)) { abort(`wildcard task name not allowed: ${name}`); } if (isFileTask(name)) { name = normalizePath(name); } return name;}
/** * Return a list prerequisite task names. * Globs are expanded and path names are normalized. */export function normalizePrereqs(prereqs: string[]): string[] { const result: string[] = []; for (let prereq of prereqs) { prereq = prereq.trim(); if (prereq === "") { abort("blank prerequisite name"); } if (!isFileTask(prereq)) { result.push(prereq); } else if (path.isGlob(prereq)) { result.push(...glob(prereq).map((p) => normalizePath(p))); } else { result.push(normalizePath(prereq)); } } return result;}