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Get the formated time duration
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const keyList = { d: "days", h: "hours", m: "minutes", s: "seconds", ms: "milliseconds",};

/** * Duration class. Yes, Duration. Ain't gonna give it a better name with my crappy naming sense. */export default class Duration { constructor(timestamp = Duration.getCurrentDuration()) { if (timestamp < 1) timestamp = 0; // Prevent negative time this.raw = timestamp; this.d = Math.trunc(timestamp / 86400000); this.h = Math.trunc(timestamp / 3600000) % 24; this.m = Math.trunc(timestamp / 60000) % 60; this.s = Math.trunc(timestamp / 1000) % 60; = Math.trunc(timestamp) % 1000; } get array() { return [ { type: "d", value: this.d }, { type: "h", value: this.h }, { type: "m", value: this.m }, { type: "s", value: this.s }, { type: "ms", value: }, ]; } get json() { return this.array.reduce((acc, stuff) => (acc[stuff.type] = stuff.value, acc), {}) } /** * * @param {Array} values - The values required * @param {Boolean} shortandsweet - If response should be a short string. * @returns {String} */ stringify(values = [], shortandsweet = false) { if (!Array.isArray(values) || values.length == 0) { if ( !shortandsweet || typeof shortandsweet !== "boolean" || shortandsweet == false ) return `${this.array .map((x) => `${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}`) .join(", ")}`; return `${ => `${x.value}${x.type}`).join(" ")}`; } if (values.length > 0) { if ( !shortandsweet || typeof shortandsweet !== "boolean" || shortandsweet == false ) return `${this.array .filter((x) => values.includes(x.type)) .map((x) => `${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}`) .join(", ")}`; return `${this.array .filter((x) => values.includes(x.type)) .map((x) => `${x.value}${x.type}`) .join(" ")}`; } return `${this.array .map((x) => `${x.value} ${keyList[x.type]}`) .join(", ")}`; } toString() { return `[Duration ${this.stringify(['d', 'h', 'm', 's'], true)}]` } static fromString(str) { str = str.replace(/\s/g, "") const days = matchReg(str, "d") || matchReg(str, "days") || matchReg(str, "day") const hours = matchReg(str, "h") || matchReg(str, "hours") || matchReg(str, "hour") const minutes = matchReg(str, "m") || matchReg(str, "min") || matchReg(str, "minute") || matchReg(str, "mins") || matchReg(str, "minutes") const seconds = matchReg(str, "s") || matchReg(str, "sec") || matchReg(str, "second") || matchReg(str, "secs") || matchReg(str, "seconds") const milliseconds = matchReg(str, "ms") || matchReg(str, "millisecond") || matchReg(str, "milliseconds") const ts = (days * 8.64e7) + (hours * 3600000) + (minutes * 60000) + (seconds * 1000) + milliseconds return new Duration(ts) } static getCurrentDuration() { return new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }}
function matchReg(str, t) { const reg = new RegExp(`(\\d+)${t}`, "i") const matched = reg.exec(str) if(!matched) return 0 return parseInt(matched[1].replace(t, ""))}
// module.exports = Duration;