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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
import { FnsBag } from './types-bag.ts';import { IConnection, ITransport, Thunk, TransportStatus } from './types.ts';import { Envelope } from './types-envelope.ts';import { Watchable, WatchableSet } from './watchable.ts';import { Connection } from './connection.ts';
import { logTransport as log } from './log.ts';
export interface ITransportLocalOpts<BagType extends FnsBag> { deviceId: string; // id of this device methods: BagType; //streams: { [method: string]: Fn }, description: string;}
/** * A Transport that connects directly to other Transports in memory, on the same machine. * * This is mostly useful for testing. */export class TransportLocal<BagType extends FnsBag> implements ITransport<BagType> { status: Watchable<TransportStatus> = new Watchable('OPEN' as TransportStatus); deviceId: string; methods: BagType; connections: WatchableSet<IConnection<BagType>> = new WatchableSet(); description: string;
constructor(opts: ITransportLocalOpts<BagType>) { log(`TransportLocal constructor: ${opts.deviceId} "${opts.description}"`); this.deviceId = opts.deviceId; this.methods = opts.methods; this.description = `transport ${opts.description}`; }
get isClosed() { return this.status.value === 'CLOSED'; } onClose(cb: Thunk): Thunk { return this.status.onChangeTo('CLOSED', cb); } close(): void { if (this.isClosed) return;
log(`${this.deviceId} | closing...`); this.status.set('CLOSED');
log(`${this.deviceId} | ...closing connections...`); for (const conn of this.connections) { conn.close(); } this.connections.clear(); log(`${this.deviceId} | ...closed`); }
addConnection(otherTrans: TransportLocal<BagType>) { if (this.isClosed) throw new Error('Can\'t use a transport after it\'s closed'); // deno-lint-ignore prefer-const let thisConn: Connection<BagType>; // deno-lint-ignore prefer-const let otherConn: Connection<BagType>; thisConn = new Connection({ description: `conn ${this.deviceId} to ${otherTrans.deviceId}`, transport: this, deviceId: this.deviceId, methods: this.methods, sendEnvelope: async (conn: IConnection<BagType>, env: Envelope<BagType>) => { await otherConn.handleIncomingEnvelope(env); }, }); otherConn = new Connection({ description: `conn ${otherTrans.deviceId} to ${this.deviceId}`, transport: otherTrans, deviceId: otherTrans.deviceId, methods: otherTrans.methods, sendEnvelope: async (conn: IConnection<BagType>, env: Envelope<BagType>) => { await thisConn.handleIncomingEnvelope(env); }, });
// close one side of the connection, the other side closes thisConn.onClose(() => { otherConn.close(); this.connections.delete(thisConn); }); otherConn.onClose(() => thisConn.close());
this.connections.add(thisConn); otherTrans.connections.add(otherConn);
return { thisConn, otherConn }; }}
export function makeLocalTransportPair<BagType extends FnsBag>(methods: BagType) { const transA = new TransportLocal({ deviceId: 'device:A', methods, description: 'A', }); const transB = new TransportLocal({ deviceId: 'device:B', methods, description: 'B', }); const { thisConn, otherConn } = transA.addConnection(transB); return { transA, transB, thisConn, otherConn };}