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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
import { RpcError, RpcErrorFromMethod, RpcErrorUnknownMethod, RpcErrorUseAfterClose,} from './errors.ts';import { ConnectionOpts, ConnectionStatus, IConnection, ITransport, Thunk } from './types.ts';import { FnsBag } from './types-bag.ts';import { Envelope, EnvelopeNotify, EnvelopeRequest, EnvelopeResponseWithData, EnvelopeResponseWithError,} from './types-envelope.ts';import { Watchable } from './watchable.ts';import { Deferred, makeDeferred, makeId } from './util.ts';
import { logConnection as log } from './log.ts';
export class Connection<BagType extends FnsBag> implements IConnection<BagType> { status: Watchable<ConnectionStatus> = new Watchable('CONNECTING' as ConnectionStatus); _closeCbs: Set<Thunk> = new Set();
description: string; _transport: ITransport<BagType>; _deviceId: string; _otherDeviceId: string | null = null; _methods: BagType; _sendEnvelope: (conn: IConnection<BagType>, env: Envelope<BagType>) => Promise<void>; _deferredRequests: Map<string, Deferred<any>> = new Map(); // keyed by env id _lastSeen = 0;
constructor(opts: ConnectionOpts<BagType>) { log(`Connection constructor: ${opts.deviceId} "${opts.description}"`); this._transport = opts.transport; this._deviceId = opts.deviceId; this.description = opts.description; this._methods = opts.methods; this._sendEnvelope = opts.sendEnvelope; }
get isClosed() { return this.status.value === 'CLOSED'; } onClose(cb: Thunk): Thunk { if (this.isClosed) throw new RpcErrorUseAfterClose('the connection is closed'); this._closeCbs.add(cb); return () => this._closeCbs.delete(cb); } close(): void { if (this.isClosed) return; log(`${this.description} | closing...`); this.status.set('CLOSED'); for (const cb of this._closeCbs) cb(); this._closeCbs.clear(); // the transport is responsible for removing this connection from transport.collections log(`${this.description} | ...closed.`); }
async handleIncomingEnvelope(env: Envelope<BagType>): Promise<void> { // TODO: maybe this function should be in a lock to ensure it only runs one at a time if (this.isClosed) throw new RpcErrorUseAfterClose('the connection is closed'); // TODO: throw error if status is ERROR ? log(`${this.description} | incoming envelope:`, env); if (env.kind === 'NOTIFY') { if (!, env.method)) { // swallow the error - in notify mode there's no place for the error to emerge //throw new RpcErrorUnknownMethod(`unknown method in NOTIFY: ${env.method}`); console.warn(`> error in NOTIFY handler: no notify method called "${env.method}"`); } else { try { await this._methods[env.method](...env.args); } catch (error) { // the method had an error. // swallow the error - in notify mode there's no place for the error to emerge console.warn(`> error when running NOTIFY method:`, env, error); } } } else if (env.kind === 'REQUEST') { try { if (!, env.method)) { throw new RpcErrorUnknownMethod(`unknown method in REQUEST: ${env.method}`); } const data = await this._methods[env.method](...env.args); const responseEnvData: EnvelopeResponseWithData<BagType, keyof BagType> = { kind: 'RESPONSE', fromDeviceId: this._deviceId, envelopeId: env.envelopeId, data, }; await this._sendEnvelope(this, responseEnvData); } catch (error) { const responseEnvError: EnvelopeResponseWithError = { kind: 'RESPONSE', fromDeviceId: this._deviceId, envelopeId: env.envelopeId, error: `${error}`, }; await this._sendEnvelope(this, responseEnvError); } } else if (env.kind === 'RESPONSE') { // We got a response back, so look up and resolve the deferred we made when we sent the REQUEST const deferred = this._deferredRequests.get(env.envelopeId); if (deferred === undefined) { //console.warn( // `> got a RESPONSE with an envelopeId we did not expect: ${env.envelopeId}`, //); return; } if ('data' in env) { deferred.resolve(; } else if ('error' in env) { deferred.reject(new RpcErrorFromMethod(env.error)); } else { console.warn( '> RESPONSE has neither data nor error. this should never happen', ); deferred.reject(new RpcError('> RESPONSE had neither data nor error??')); } // Clean up. // TODO: eventually clean up orphaned old deferreds that were never answered this._deferredRequests.delete(env.envelopeId); } log(`${this.description} | ...done with incoming envelope`); }
async notify<MethodKey extends keyof BagType>( method: MethodKey, ...args: Parameters<BagType[MethodKey]> ): Promise<void> { if (this.isClosed) throw new RpcErrorUseAfterClose('the connection is closed'); const env: EnvelopeNotify<BagType, keyof BagType> = { kind: 'NOTIFY', fromDeviceId: this._deviceId, envelopeId: 'env:' + makeId(), method, args, }; log(`${this.description} | sending NOTIFY:`, env); await this._sendEnvelope(this, env); log(`${this.description} | done sending NOTIFY.`); } async request<MethodKey extends keyof BagType>( method: MethodKey, ...args: Parameters<BagType[MethodKey]> ): Promise<ReturnType<BagType[MethodKey]>> { if (this.isClosed) throw new RpcErrorUseAfterClose('the connection is closed'); const env: EnvelopeRequest<BagType, keyof BagType> = { kind: 'REQUEST', fromDeviceId: this._deviceId, envelopeId: 'env:' + makeId(), method, args, }; // save a deferred for when the response comes back const deferred = makeDeferred<any>(); this._deferredRequests.set(env.envelopeId, deferred); log(`${this.description} | sending REQUEST:`, env); await this._sendEnvelope(this, env); log(`${this.description} | done sending REQUEST.`); return deferred.promise; }}