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Basic security API for Typescript that optimizes for easy use
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import { assertEquals } from "";import { Crypter, IV, Key, sha256Hex } from "./mod.ts";
/** * hex encode to a known value */Deno.test("sha256Hex", async () => { const h = await sha256Hex("hello world"); assertEquals( h, "b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9", "sha256hex", );});
/** * round trip a key */Deno.test("key", async () => { const k0 = await Key.generate(); // export key to hex const h0 = await k0.toHex(); // import that to a new key const k1 = await Key.fromHex(h0); // export again const h1 = await k1.toHex(); assertEquals(h0, h1, "key round trip");});
/** * round trip an IV */Deno.test("iv", async () => { const iv = await IV.fromString("hello world"); assertEquals(iv.bytes.length, IV.Length, "iv length"); const hexIV = iv.toHex(); const ivFromHex = IV.fromHex(hexIV); assertEquals(ivFromHex.bytes, iv.bytes, "iv round trip"); assertEquals(ivFromHex.toHex(), hexIV, "hex round trip");});
/** * encrypt/decrypt */Deno.test("encrypt", async () => { const crypter = await Crypter.generate(); const clearText = "hello world"; const hexCrypted = await crypter.encryptToHex(clearText); const decrypted = await crypter.decryptFromHex(hexCrypted); assertEquals(decrypted, clearText, "round trip encrypt decrypt");});