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Deno module resolution for `esbuild`
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// Lifted from type MediaType = | "JavaScript" | "Mjs" | "Cjs" | "JSX" | "TypeScript" | "Mts" | "Cts" | "Dts" | "Dmts" | "Dcts" | "TSX" | "Json" | "Wasm" | "TsBuildInfo" | "SourceMap" | "Unknown";
export interface InfoOutput { roots: string[]; modules: ModuleEntry[]; redirects: Record<string, string>;}
export interface ModuleEntry { specifier: string; size: number; mediaType?: MediaType; local?: string; checksum?: string; emit?: string; map?: string; error?: string;}
interface DenoInfoOptions { importMap?: string;}
let tempDir: null | string;
export async function info( specifier: URL, options: DenoInfoOptions,): Promise<InfoOutput> { const cmd = [ Deno.execPath(), "info", "--json", ]; if (options.importMap !== undefined) { cmd.push("--import-map", options.importMap); } cmd.push(specifier.href);
if (!tempDir) { tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); }
let proc;
try { proc ={ cmd, stdout: "piped", cwd: tempDir, }); const raw = await proc.output(); const status = await proc.status(); if (!status.success) { throw new Error(`Failed to call 'deno info' on '${specifier.href}'`); } const txt = new TextDecoder().decode(raw); return JSON.parse(txt); } finally { try { proc?.stdout.close(); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource) { // ignore the error } else { // deno-lint-ignore no-unsafe-finally throw err; } } proc?.close(); }}