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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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type Operator<T, U, CtxResult = any> = import("./Operator.ts").Operator<T, U, CtxResult>;type EvtLike<T>= import("../types/helper/UnpackEvt.ts").EvtLike<T>;type CtxLike<Result> = import("../types/interfaces/index.ts").CtxLike<Result>;
/** */export type Handler<T, U, CtxProp extends CtxLike<any> | undefined = CtxLike<any> | undefined> = Handler.PropsFromArgs<T, U, CtxProp> & Handler.PropsFromMethodName & Readonly<{ detach(): boolean; promise: Promise<U>; }> ;
export namespace Handler {
/** Handlers params that come from the arguments passed to the method invoked */ export type PropsFromArgs<T, U, CtxProp extends CtxLike<any> | undefined = CtxLike<any> | undefined> = { ctx: CtxProp; timeout: number | undefined; op: Operator<T, U, CtxProp extends CtxLike<infer CtxResult> ? CtxResult : undefined>; callback: ((transformedData: U) => void) | undefined; };
/** * Handlers params that are implicitly specified by the method used: * attachOnce => once * attachOncePrepend => once + prepend * waitFor => once + async * ... */ export type PropsFromMethodName = PropsFromMethodName.Sync | PropsFromMethodName.Async;
export namespace PropsFromMethodName {
type Common = Readonly<{ prepend: true; extract: true; } | { prepend: boolean; extract: false; }>;
export type Sync = Common & Readonly<{ async: false; once: boolean; }>;
export type Async = Common & Readonly<{ async: true; once: true; }>;
export type WithEvt<T,CtxResult> = { handler: Handler<T, any, CtxLike<CtxResult>>; evt: EvtLike<T>; };