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Full Stack Framework for Deno, TypeScript, Preact JS and Tailwind CSS
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { contentType, encodeHex, extname, JSX, STATUS_CODE, STATUS_TEXT,} from "./deps.ts";import { Render } from "./render.ts";import { Context, Fastro, Handler, HttpRequest, ListenHandler, Middleware, ModuleFunction, Page, Static,} from "./types.ts";import { EsbuildMod } from "../build/esbuildMod.ts";
export function checkReferer(req: Request) { const referer = req.headers.get("referer"); const host = req.headers.get("host") as string; if (!referer || !referer?.includes(host)) { return new Response(STATUS_TEXT[STATUS_CODE.NotFound], { status: STATUS_CODE.NotFound, }); }}
export const BUILD_ID = Deno.env.get("DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID") || encodeHex( new Uint8Array( await crypto.subtle.digest( "sha-1", new TextEncoder().encode(crypto.randomUUID()), ), ),);
export const getDevelopment = () => { return Deno.env.get("ENV") === "DEVELOPMENT";};
const parseBody = (req: Request) => { return async <T>() => { const text = await req.text(); return JSON.parse(text) as T; };};
const createResponse = (res: any, status = 200): Response => { if (typeof res === "string") return new Response(res, { status }); if (res instanceof Response) return res; if ( typeof res === "number" || typeof res === "bigint" || typeof res === "boolean" || typeof res === "undefined" ) return new Response(JSON.stringify(res), { status }); try { return Response.json(res, { status }); } catch (error) { throw error; }};
export default class Server implements Fastro { constructor(options?: Record<string, any>) { this.serverOptions = options ?? {}; this.#handler = this.#createHandler(); this.#addPropsEndpoint(); } getNonce(): string { if (this.#nonce === "") { this.#nonce = crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, ""); } return this.#nonce; } get( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("GET", path, ...handler); } post( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("POST", path, ...handler); } put( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("PUT", path, ...handler); } patch( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("PATCH", path, ...handler); } delete( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("DELETE", path, ...handler); } options( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("OPTIONS", path, ...handler); } head( path: string, handler: Handler, ...middleware: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.add("HEAD", path, handler, ...middleware); } page<T = any>( path: string, page: Page<T>, ...middleware: Array<Handler> ): Fastro { return this.#addPage(path, page, ...middleware); } use(...handlers: Handler[]): Fastro { for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { const element = handlers[index]; const middleware: Middleware = { path: undefined, method: undefined, handler: element, }; this.#middleware.push(middleware); } return this; }
static( path: string, options?: { maxAge?: number; folder?: string; referer?: boolean }, ) { this.#staticUrl = path; if (options?.folder) this.#staticFolder = options?.folder; if (options?.referer) this.#staticReferer = options.referer; if (options?.maxAge) this.#maxAge = options.maxAge; return this; }
#addPage = (path: string, page: Page, ...middlewares: Handler[]) => { const key = path; this.#routePage[key] = page; if (middlewares.length > 0) { this.#pushPageMiddleware(path, ...middlewares); } return this; };
#pushPageMiddleware = ( path: string, ...middlewares: Array<Handler> ) => { for (let index = 0; index < middlewares.length; index++) { const handler = middlewares[index]; this.#pageMiddleware.push({ method: undefined, path, handler, }); } };
add = ( method: string, path: string, ...handler: Handler[] ) => { const key = method + "-" + path; if (handler.length === 1) { this.#routeHandler[key] = handler[0]; return this; }
this.#push(method, path, ...handler); return this; };
#push = ( method: any, path: any, ...handlers: Array<Handler> ) => { for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length - 1; index++) { const handler = handlers[index]; this.#middleware.push({ method, path, handler, }); } const key = method + "-" + path; this.#routeHandler[key] = handlers[handlers.length - 1]; };
#build = async () => { // deno-lint-ignore no-deprecated-deno-api if ( === undefined) { return []; } for (const [_key, page] of Object.entries(this.#routePage)) { await this.#createHydrate(page); await this.#buildPageComponent(page); } return Deno.args.filter((v) => v === "--build"); };
#createHydrate = async (c: Page) => { if (typeof c.component != "function") return; const name =; const folder = c.folder ? c.folder + "/" : ""; const [d] = Deno.args.filter((v) => v === "--debug"); const debug = !d ? "" : `import "preact/debug";`; const str = `${debug}import { h, hydrate } from "preact";import app from "../${folder}${name}.page.tsx";async function fetchProps(root: HTMLElement) { try { const parsedUrl = new URL(window.location.href); const key = parsedUrl.pathname === "/" ? "" : parsedUrl.pathname; const url = "/__/props" + key; const response = await fetch(url); const data = await response.json(); if (!data) throw new Error("undefined"); hydrate(h(app, { data }), root); } catch (error) { setTimeout(() => { fetchProps(root); }, 500); }}const root = document.getElementById("root");if (root) fetchProps(root);`;
const dir = Deno.cwd() + "/.fastro"; try { Deno.readDirSync(dir); } catch { Deno.mkdirSync(dir); }
const path = dir + "/" + name + ".hydrate.tsx"; await Deno.writeTextFile(path, str); };
async #buildPageComponent(c: Page) { if (typeof c.component == "function") { const str = + ".page.tsx"; console.log( `%cBuild: %c${str}`, "color: blue", "color: white", );
const es = new EsbuildMod(c); await; } }
#getParamsHandler<T extends Record<string, Handler>>( req: Request, data: T, ): [Handler, Record<string, string | undefined> | undefined] | undefined { for (const [key, handler] of Object.entries(data)) { const [method, path] = key.split("-"); const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: path }); if (key.includes(":") && pattern.test(req.url) && req.method === method) { const exec = pattern.exec(req.url); const params = exec?.pathname.groups; return [handler, params]; } } }
#getParamsPage<T extends Record<string, Page>>( req: Request, data: T, ): [Page, Record<string, string | undefined> | undefined] | undefined { for (const [path, page] of Object.entries(data)) { const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: path }); if (path.includes(":") && pattern.test(req.url)) { const match = pattern.exec(req.url); const params = match?.pathname.groups; return [page, params]; } } }
#handleStaticFile = async (req: Request) => { const s = (await this.#findStaticFiles( this.#staticUrl, req.url, this.getNonce(), )) as Static; if (s) { const ref = checkReferer(req); if (ref && this.#staticReferer) return ref; return new Response(s.file, { headers: { "Content-Type": s.contentType, "Cache-Control": `max-age=${this.#maxAge}`, }, }); }
const b = await this.#handleBinary(this.#staticUrl, req.url); if (b) return b;
return new Response(STATUS_TEXT[STATUS_CODE.NotFound], { status: STATUS_CODE.NotFound, }); };
#addPropsEndpoint = () => { const path = "/__/props/:key*"; this.add("GET", path, (req, _ctx) => { const ref = checkReferer(req); if (!getDevelopment() && ref) return ref; const data = this.serverOptions[req.url]; return new Response(JSON.stringify(data), { headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "null", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type", }), }); }); };
#handlePage = ( req: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, ) => { const url = new URL(req.url); let key = url.pathname; let page: Page = this.#routePage[key]; let params: Record<string, string | undefined> | undefined = undefined; if (!page) { const res = this.#getParamsPage(req, this.#routePage); if (res) { const [pg, prm] = res; page = pg; params = prm; } } if (!page) return []; const ctx = this.serverOptions as Context; ctx.render = <T>(data: T) => { const r = new Render(this); key = key === "/" ? "" : key; key = url.origin + "/__/props" + key; return r.render(key, page, data, this.getNonce()); }; = info; = () => {}; ctx.url = new URL(req.url); ctx.server = this; ctx.send = <T>(data: T, status = 200) => { return createResponse(data, status); }; ctx.kv = this.serverOptions["kv"]; ctx.options = this.serverOptions; return [page, ctx, params, url]; };
#findMatch( m: Middleware, id: string, url: string, method: string, page?: boolean, ) { const r = this.#record[id]; if (r) return r as URLPatternResult;
const pattern = m.path ? new URLPattern({ pathname: m.path }) : new URLPattern({ pathname: "/*" });
const result = pattern.exec(url); if (!result) return undefined; if (!page && (m.path !== undefined) && (m.method !== method)) { return undefined; }
return this.#record[id] = result; }
#handlePageMiddleware = ( req: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, ) => { const page = true; return this.#handleMiddleware(req, info, page); };
#handleMiddleware = async ( req: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, page?: boolean, ) => { const mid = !page ? this.#middleware : this.#pageMiddleware; if (mid.length === 0) return undefined; const method: string = req.method, url: string = req.url; const u = new URL(url); for (let index = 0; index < mid.length; index++) { const m = mid[index]; const id = method + m.method + m.path + url; const match = !page ? this.#findMatch(m, id, url, method) : this.#findMatch(m, id, url, method, true);
if (!match) continue; const x = await m.handler( this.#transformRequest(req, match?.pathname.groups, u), this.#transformCtx(info, u, this.serverOptions), ) as any;
if (x instanceof Response) { return x; } } };
#iterableToRecord( params: URLSearchParams, ) { const record: Record<string, string> = {}; params.forEach((v, k) => (record[k] = v)); return record; }
#transformRequest = ( req: Request, params?: Record<string, string | undefined>, url?: URL, ) => { const u = url ?? new URL(req.url); const r = req as HttpRequest; r.params = params; r.parseBody = parseBody(req); r.query = this.#iterableToRecord(u.searchParams); return r; };
#transformCtx = ( info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, url: URL, options: Record<string, any>, ) => { const ctx = options as Context; const r = new Render(this); ctx.render = <T>(jsx: T) => { return r.renderJsx(jsx as JSX.Element); }; ctx.send = <T>(data: T, status = 200) => { return createResponse(data, status); }; = info; = () => {}; ctx.url = url; ctx.server = this; ctx.kv = this.serverOptions["kv"]; return ctx; };
#handleRequest = (req: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo) => { const id = req.method + req.url; if (this.#record[id]) return this.#record[id]; const url = new URL(req.url); const key = req.method + "-" + url.pathname; let handler = this.#routeHandler[key]; let params: Record<string, string | undefined> | undefined; if (!handler) { const res = this.#getParamsHandler(req, this.#routeHandler); if (res) { const [h, p] = res; handler = h; params = p; } }
const ctx = this.#transformCtx(info, url, this.serverOptions); return this.#record[id] = { handler, ctx, params, url }; };
#createHandler = () => { return async (req: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo) => { const m = await this.#handleMiddleware(req, info); if (m) return m;
const r = this.#handleRequest(req, info); if (r.handler) { const tr = this.#transformRequest(req, r.params, r.url); const res = await r.handler(tr, r.ctx); return createResponse(res); }
const pm = await this.#handlePageMiddleware(req, info); if (pm) return pm;
const [page, pageCtx, pageParams, pageUrl] = this.#handlePage( req, info, ) as any; if (page) { return page.handler( this.#transformRequest(req, pageParams, pageUrl), pageCtx, ) as Promise<Response>; }
return this.#handleStaticFile(req); }; };
#normalizeStaticUrl = (url: string, reqUrl: string) => { const staticUrl = url === "/" ? "" : url; const pathname = `${staticUrl}/*`; const id = `${pathname}${reqUrl}`; return [id, pathname]; };
#findStaticFiles = async (url: string, initReqUrl: string, nonce: string) => { let reqUrl = ""; if (initReqUrl.endsWith(`${nonce}.js`)) { const [script] = initReqUrl.split(nonce); reqUrl = script + "js"; } const [id, pathname] = this.#normalizeStaticUrl(url, reqUrl); if (this.#record[id]) return this.#record[id];
const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname }); const match = pattern.exec(reqUrl); if (!match) return this.#record[id] = null;
const input = match?.pathname.groups["0"]; const filePath = `${this.#staticFolder}/${input}`; const ct = contentType(extname(filePath)) || "application/octet-stream";
const binary = ["png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "pdf", "aac", "ico"]; const b = binary.filter((v) => ct.includes(v)); if (b.length > 0) return this.#record[id] = null;
let file; try { file = await Deno.readTextFile(`./${filePath}`); } catch { return this.#record[id] = null; }
return this.#record[id] = { contentType: ct, file }; };
#handleBinary = async (url: string, reqUrl: string) => { const [id, pathname] = this.#normalizeStaticUrl(url, reqUrl); try { const match = new URLPattern({ pathname }).exec(reqUrl); const filePath = `${this.#staticFolder}/${match?.pathname.groups["0"]}`; const ct = contentType(extname(filePath)) || "application/octet-stream"; if (filePath.endsWith("/")) { return this.#record[id] = null; } const file = await`./${filePath}`, { read: true }); return new Response(file.readable, { headers: { "Content-Type": ct, "Cache-Control": `max-age=${this.#maxAge}`, }, }); } catch { return this.#record[id] = null; } };
group = (mf: ModuleFunction) => { return Promise.resolve(mf(this)); };
serve = async (options?: { port?: number; onListen?: ListenHandler }) => { const [s] = await this.#build(); if (s) return Deno.exit();
this.#server = Deno.serve({ port: options && options.port ? options.port : 8000, handler: this.#handler, signal: this.#ac.signal, onListen: options && options.onListen ? options.onListen : undefined, }); };
shutdown = async () => { if (this.#server) { this.#server.finished.then(() => console.log("Server closed")); console.log("Closing server..."); this.#ac.abort(); await this.#server.shutdown(); } };
getPages(): Record<string, Page> { return this.#routePage; }
getRoutes(): Record<string, Handler> { return this.#routeHandler; }
#server: Deno.HttpServer | undefined; #ac: AbortController = new AbortController(); #handler: ( req: Request, info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo, ) => Response | Promise<Response>; #routeHandler: Record<string, Handler> = {}; #routePage: Record<string, Page> = {}; #record: Record<string, any> = {}; #middleware: Middleware[] = []; #pageMiddleware: Middleware[] = []; #staticFolder = "static"; #staticUrl = "/"; #staticReferer = false; #maxAge = 0; #nonce = ""; serverOptions: Record<string, any> = {};}