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import { ServerContext, Status } from "../server.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertStringIncludes, delay, puppeteer,} from "./deps.ts";import manifest from "./fixture_plugin/fresh.gen.ts";import options from "./fixture_plugin/options.ts";import { startFreshServer } from "./test_utils.ts";
const ctx = await ServerContext.fromManifest(manifest, options);const handler = ctx.handler();const router = (req: Request) => { return handler(req, { localAddr: { transport: "tcp", hostname: "", port: 80, }, remoteAddr: { transport: "tcp", hostname: "", port: 80, }, });};
Deno.test("/static page prerender", async () => { const resp = await router(new Request("")); assert(resp); assertEquals(resp.status, Status.OK); const body = await resp.text(); assertStringIncludes(body, '<style id="abc">body { color: red; }</style>'); assert(!body.includes(`>{"v":[[],[]]}</script>`)); assert(!body.includes(`import`)); assertStringIncludes( body, '<style id="def">h1 { text-decoration: underline; }</style>', );});
Deno.test("/with-island prerender", async () => { const resp = await router(new Request("")); assert(resp); assertEquals(resp.status, Status.OK); const body = await resp.text(); assertStringIncludes( body, '<style id="abc">body { color: red; } h1 { color: blue; }</style>', ); assertStringIncludes(body, `>{"v":[[{}],["JS injected!"]]}</script>`); assertStringIncludes(body, `/plugin-js-inject-main.js"`); assertStringIncludes( body, '<style id="def">h1 { text-decoration: underline; } h1 { font-style: italic; }</style>', );});
Deno.test({ name: "/with-island hydration", async fn(t) { // Preparation const { lines, serverProcess, address } = await startFreshServer({ args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_plugin/main.ts"], });
await delay(100);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--no-sandbox"] }); const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(`${address}/with-island`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
await t.step("island is revived", async () => { await page.waitForSelector("#csr"); });
await t.step("title was updated", async () => { const title = await page.title(); assertEquals(title, "JS injected!"); });
await browser.close();
await lines.cancel(); serverProcess.kill("SIGTERM"); }, sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false,});