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import { assert, delay, puppeteer } from "./deps.ts";import { startFreshServer } from "./test_utils.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "wasm island tests", ignore: === "windows", async fn(t) { // Preparation const { lines, serverProcess, address } = await startFreshServer({ args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture/main_wasm.ts"], });
await delay(100);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--no-sandbox"] }); const page = await browser.newPage();
async function counterTest(counterId: string, originalValue: number) { const pElem = await page.waitForSelector(`#${counterId} > p`); let value = await pElem?.evaluate((el) => el.textContent); assert(value === `${originalValue}`, `${counterId} first value`);
const buttonPlus = await page.$(`#b-${counterId}`); await buttonPlus?.click(); await delay(100); value = await pElem?.evaluate((el) => el.textContent); assert(value === `${originalValue + 1}`, `${counterId} click`); }
await page.goto(`${address}/islands`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
await t.step("Ensure 3 islands on 1 page are revived", async () => { await counterTest("counter1", 3); await counterTest("counter2", 10); await counterTest("kebab-case-file-counter", 5); });
await browser.close();
await lines.cancel(); serverProcess.kill("SIGTERM"); }, sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false,});