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import { assert, assertEquals, delay, puppeteer } from "./deps.ts";
import { cmpStringArray } from "./fixture_twind_hydrate/utils/utils.ts";import { startFreshServer, withPageName } from "./test_utils.ts";
/** * Start the server with the main file. * * Returns a page instance and a method to terminate the server. */async function setUpServer(path: string) { const { lines, serverProcess, address } = await startFreshServer({ args: ["run", "-A", path], });
await delay(100);
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: ["--no-sandbox"] }); const page = await browser.newPage();
/** * terminate server */ const terminate = async () => { await lines.cancel(); await browser.close();
serverProcess.kill("SIGKILL"); await serverProcess.status;
// TextDecoder leaks, so close it manually. const denoResourcesMap = new Map( Object.entries(Deno.resources()).map(([rid, representation]) => { return [representation, parseInt(rid)]; }), ); const textDecoderRid = denoResourcesMap.get("textDecoder"); if (textDecoderRid != null) { Deno.close(textDecoderRid); } };
return { page: page, terminate: terminate, address };}
/** * Main file path */const MAIN_FILE_PATH = "./tests/fixture_twind_hydrate/main.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "twind static test", async fn(t) { // Preparation const server = await setUpServer(MAIN_FILE_PATH); const page =;
/** * Compare the class of element of any id with the selectorText of cssrules in stylesheet. * Ensure that twind compiles the class of element. */ async function compiledCssRulesTest(id: string, styleId: string) { const elemClassList = await page.evaluate((selector) => { const classList = document.querySelector(selector)?.classList; if (classList != null) { return Array.from(classList); } else { return []; } }, `#${id}`); assert(elemClassList.length !== 0, `Element of id=${id} has no class`);
const twindCssRules = await page.evaluate((selector) => { const styleElem = document.querySelector(selector); if (styleElem == null) { return []; } const cssRules = (styleElem as HTMLStyleElement).sheet?.cssRules; if (cssRules == null) { return []; }
return Array.from(cssRules).map((cssRule) => { const cssStyleRule = cssRule as CSSStyleRule; return cssStyleRule.selectorText; }); }, `#${styleId}`);
const twindCssRulesSet = new Set(twindCssRules);
for (const elemClass of elemClassList) { assert( twindCssRulesSet.has("." + elemClass), `'${elemClass}' is not compiled by twind`, ); } }
await page.goto(`${server.address}/static`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
// For avoid leaking async ops. await delay(10);
await t.step("Twind complies cssrules from dom class in ssr", async () => { await compiledCssRulesTest("helloTwind", "__FRSH_TWIND"); });
await server.terminate(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "No duplicate twind cssrules", async fn(t) { // Preparation const server = await setUpServer(MAIN_FILE_PATH); const page =;
/** * Ensure that the cssrule of the two style elements specified do not duplicate. * PR946 fails and PR1050 passes. */ async function noDuplicatesTest( twindStyleElemSelector: string, twindClaimedStyleElemSelector: string, ) { const twindCssRuleList = await page.evaluate((selector) => { const elem = document.querySelector(selector) as HTMLStyleElement; const cssRules = elem?.sheet?.cssRules; if (cssRules != null) { return Array.from(cssRules).map((el) => { return el.cssText; }); } else { return null; } }, twindStyleElemSelector);
if (twindCssRuleList == null) { assert(false, `StyleElement(${twindStyleElemSelector}) is no exists`); }
const twindClaimedCssRuleList = await page.evaluate((selector) => { const elem = document.querySelector(selector) as HTMLStyleElement; const cssRules = elem?.sheet?.cssRules; if (cssRules != null) { return Array.from(cssRules).map((el) => { return el.cssText; }); } else { return null; } }, twindClaimedStyleElemSelector);
if (twindClaimedCssRuleList == null) { // There is only one style element by twind. return; }
const numDuplicates = cmpStringArray( twindCssRuleList, twindClaimedCssRuleList, );
assert(false, `${numDuplicates} cssrules are duplicated`); }
await page.goto(`${server.address}/check-duplication`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
// For avoid leaking async ops. await delay(10);
await t.step("Ensure no dupulicate twind cssrules in islands", async () => { await noDuplicatesTest( "#__FRSH_TWIND", '[data-twind="claimed"]:not(#__FRSH_TWIND)', ); });
await server.terminate(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "Dynamically insert cssrules", async fn(t) { // Preparation const server = await setUpServer(MAIN_FILE_PATH); const page =;
/** * Ensure that the class dynamically inserted in islands is compiled by twind. * PR946 fails and PR1050 passes. */ async function DynamicallyInsertCssrulesTest(twindStyleId: string) { const numCssRulesBeforeInsert = await page.$eval( `#${twindStyleId}`, (el) => { const styleElem = el as HTMLStyleElement; const cssRules = styleElem.sheet?.cssRules; const numCssRules = cssRules?.length;
return numCssRules != null ? numCssRules : NaN; }, );
assert( !isNaN(numCssRulesBeforeInsert), "StyleElement(#${twindStyleId}) is no exists", );
const classBeforeInsert = await page.$eval( "#currentNumCssRules", (el) => { return Array.from(el.classList) as string[]; }, );
// After click, `text-green-600` is inserted to the class of the element in #currentNumCssRules. await page.$eval("#insertCssRuleButton", (el) => { return; });
const [numCssRulesAfterInsert, twindCssRulesAfterInsert] = await page .$eval(`#${twindStyleId}`, (el) => { const styleElem = el as HTMLStyleElement; const cssRules = styleElem.sheet?.cssRules; const numCssRules = cssRules?.length; const cssRulesSelectorTextArray = cssRules != null ? Array.from(cssRules).map((el) => { return (el as CSSStyleRule).selectorText; }) : null;
return [ numCssRules != null ? numCssRules : NaN, cssRulesSelectorTextArray, ] as [number, string[] | null]; });
assert( !isNaN(numCssRulesAfterInsert), `StyleElement(#${twindStyleId}) is no exists`, );
const classAfterInsert = await page.$eval("#currentNumCssRules", (el) => { return Array.from(el.classList) as string[]; });
const classBeforeInsertSet = new Set(classBeforeInsert);
const dynInsertedClassArray = classAfterInsert.filter((c) => { return !classBeforeInsertSet.has(c); });
// Check if the added class is compiled by twind. const twindCssRulesAfterInsertSet = new Set(twindCssRulesAfterInsert); for (const insertedClass of dynInsertedClassArray) { assert( twindCssRulesAfterInsertSet.has(`.${insertedClass}`), `'${insertedClass} has been inserted into a style sheet other than <style id="${twindStyleId}">'`, ); }
// If twind in csr monitors <style id="${twindStyleId}"> , // the class(not compiled) just inserted will be compiled // and the cssrule will increase. assert( numCssRulesBeforeInsert !== numCssRulesAfterInsert, `Cssrule has been inserted into a style sheet other than <style id="${twindStyleId}"> or it was compiled at the time of SSR.`, ); }
await page.goto(`${server.address}/insert-cssrules`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
// For avoid leaking async ops. await delay(10);
await t.step( "Ensure that the class dynamically inserted in islands is compiled", async () => { await DynamicallyInsertCssrulesTest("__FRSH_TWIND"); }, );
await server.terminate(); },});
Deno.test({ name: "Excludes classes from unused vnodes", async fn() { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_twind_hydrate/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/unused`); await page.waitForSelector("#__FRSH_TWIND");
const hasUnusedRules = await page.$eval("#__FRSH_TWIND", (el) => { return el.textContent.includes(".text-red-600"); }); assert( !hasUnusedRules, "Unused CSS class '.text-red-600' found.", ); }, ); }, sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false,});
Deno.test({ name: "Always includes classes from tw-helper", async fn() { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_twind_hydrate/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/unused_tw`); await page.waitForSelector("#__FRSH_TWIND");
const styles = await page.$eval( "#__FRSH_TWIND", (el: HTMLStyleElement) => { const text = el.textContent!; return { "text-red-600": text.includes(".text-red-600"), "text-green-500": text.includes("text-green-500"), "text-blue-500": text.includes("text-blue-500"), }; }, ); assertEquals( styles, { "text-red-600": false, "text-green-500": true, "text-blue-500": true, }, ); }, ); }, sanitizeOps: false, sanitizeResources: false,});