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A strictly typed utility library.
type alias BiMap
import { type BiMap } from "";

Bidirectional map. Maps two sets of keys in a one-to-one relation.

Both sides are accessible (at .left & .right, or at their respective alias if one was provided in the constructor) with an interface similar to that of the built-in Map and the same iteration behavior.


Example 1

const nums = BiMap.from({ one: 1, two: 2 })

// different ways of iterating over the entries
[...nums.left]                 // [['one',1], ['two',2]]
[...nums.right]                // [[1,'one'], [2,'two']]
[...nums.left.keys()]          // ['one', 'two']
[...nums.left.values()]        // [1, 2]
[...nums.right.keys()]         // [1, 2]
[...nums.right.values()]       // ['one', 'two']
[...nums]                      // [['one',1], ['two',2]]
[...nums.right.entries()]      // [[1,'one'], [2,'two']]
Object.fromEntries(nums.right) // { '1': 'one', '2': 'two' }

// setting a value
nums.left.three = 3
// when accessing a property using bracket notation (i.e. nums.right[4]),
// JavaScript coerces the key to a string, so keys that aren't strings or
// symbols must be accessed using the same access methods known from Map.
nums.right.set(4, 'four')

// remapping values
nums.left.tres = 3          // {one: 1, two: 2, tres: 3, four: 4}
nums.right.set(4, 'cuatro') // {one: 1, two: 2, tres: 3, cuatro: 4}

// deleting
delete nums.left.tres    // {one: 1, two: 2, cuatro: 4}
nums.right.delete(4)     // {one: 1, two: 2}

// reversing the map
const num2Name = nums.reverse()
console.log([...num2Name.left])                 // [[1,'one'], [2,'two']]
console.log(Object.fromEntries(num2Name.right)) // {one: 1, two: 2}

// other methods known from built-in Map
nums.size               // 2
nums.[left|right].size  // 2
nums.clear() // equivalent to nums.[left|right].clear()
console.log(nums.size)  // 0

Example 2

// giving aliases to both sides
const dictionary = new BiMap(
    ['hello', 'hallo'],
    ['bye', 'tschüss'],
)'hallo') // 'hello'
dictionary.en.get('bye')   // 'tschüss'

console.log(Object.fromEntries(dictionary.en)) // { bye: 'tschüss' }

// you can also use the BiMap.alias method:
BiMap.alias('en', 'de')<string, string>()
BiMap.alias('en', 'de')([['hello', 'hallo']])
BiMap.alias('en', 'de')(new Map<string, string>())
BiMap.alias('en', 'de')({ hello: 'hallo' })
BiMap.alias('en', 'de')(new Set(['hello']), new Set(['hallo']))

// the same arguments can be used with BiMap.from, e.g.:
BiMap.from(new Set<number>(), new Set<number>())

Type Parameters

A extends string = never
B extends string = never
& Omit<BiMapImpl<L, R, A, B>, "clone" | "reverse">
& { clone(): BiMap<L, R, A, B>; reverse(): BiMap<R, L, B, A>; }
& [K in A]: MapLike<L, R>
& [K in B]: MapLike<R, L>