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A strictly typed utility library.
import * as froebel from "";


Transforms a variable name to camel case.

Upper-case first letter of string.

Transforms a variable name to kebab case.

Strictly typed String.toLowerCase().

Transforms a variable name to pascal case.

Returns str prefixed with prefix. Optionally, allows prefxing in camel case, i.e. prefix('foo', 'bar', 'camel') => 'fooBar', or snake case, i.e. prefix('foo', 'bar', 'snake') => 'foo_bar'.

Transforms a variable name to screaming snake case.

Transforms a variable name to snake case.

Returns str suffixed with suffix. Same case and type behavior as prefix.

Surrounds the str with surrounding. surrounding must have an even length.

Transform a variable name to targetCase

Lower-case first letter of string

Strictly typed String.toUpperCase().