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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
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import * as fun from "";


A function that always returns false.

A function that always returns true.

The canonical implementation of Eq for boolean. It contains the method equals.

The canonical implementation of Monoid for boolean that combines using the logical and operator. It contains the methods concat and empty(constTrue).

The canonical implementation of Monoid for boolean that combines using the logical or operator. It contains the methods concat and equal(constFalse).

The canonical implementation of Ord for boolean. It contains the method lt, lte, equals, gte, gt, min, max, clamp, between, and compare.

The canonical implementation of Semigroup for boolean that combines using the logical and operator. It contains the method concat.

The canonical implementation of Semigroup for boolean that combines using the logical or operator. It contains the method concat.

The canoncial implementation of Show for boolean. It uses JSON.stringify to turn a boolean into a string. It contains the method show.


A curried form of logical And.

Compares two booleans, returning an Ordering. True is greater than False in this ordering, generally, but the specifics are always decided by the runtime.

Test the equality of two booleans.

Create a match function over boolean

Negate a given boolean.

A curried form of logical Or.