import * as fun from "";
The boolean module contains combinators for working with boolean.
The canonical implementation of Combinable for boolean that combines using the logical and operator. It contains the method combine. | |
The canonical implementation of Combinable for boolean that combines using the logical or operator. It contains the method combine. | |
The canonical implementation of Comparable for boolean. It contains the method equals. | |
A function that always returns false. | |
A function that always returns true. | |
The canonical implementation of Initializable for boolean that combines using the logical and operator. It contains the method combine. | |
The canonical implementation of Initializable for boolean that combines using the logical or operator. It contains the method combine. | |
The canoncial implementation of Showable for boolean. It uses JSON.stringify to turn a boolean into a string. It contains the method show. | |
The canonical implementation of Sortable for boolean. It contains the method lt, lte, equals, gte, gt, min, max, clamp, between, and compare. |
f and | A curried form of logical And. |
Test the equality of two booleans. | |
A type guard, indicating that a value is a boolean. | |
Create a match function over boolean | |
f not | Negate a given boolean. |
f or | A curried form of logical Or. |
f sort | Compares two booleans, returning an Ordering. True is greater than False in this ordering, generally, but the specifics are always decided by the runtime. |