import * as fun from "";
ReadonlySet is a readonly product structure over objects and it operates on object equality for deduplication.
The canonical implementation of Applicable for ReadonlySet. It contains the methods wrap, ap, and map. | |
v bind | |
The canonical implementation of Filterable for ReadonlySet. It contains the methods filter, filterMap, partition, and partitionMap. | |
The canonical implementation of Flatmappable for ReadonlySet. It contains the methods wrap, ap, map, join, and flatmap. | |
The canonical implementation of Foldable for ReadonlySet. It contains the method fold. | |
The canonical implementation of Mappable for ReadonlySet. It contains the method map. | |
v tap | |
The canonical implementation of Traversable for ReadonlySet. It contains the methods map, fold, and traverse. | |
Given a ReadonlySet of functions A -> I and a ReadonlySet return a ReadonlySet by applying every function to every value A. | |
Given an instance of Comparable create a function that will take a ReadonlySet and return a new ReadonlySet where any members that are equal are deduplicated. | |
f copy | Copies an existing ReadonlySet into a new ReadonlySet, keeping references to the original members. |
f elem | Given an insuance of Comparable create a function that takes a value A and returns a predicate over ReadonlySet the returns true if there are any members of the set that are equal to the value. |
Given an instance of Comparable create a function that uakes a ReadonlySet and returns a predicate over a value A the returns true if the value is a member of the set. This is like elem but with the set and value parameters swapped. | |
Operates like Array.every, testing values in a ReadonlySet with a Predicate until either the predicate returns false for a value or all of the values have been tested as true. Shortcircuits on the first value that returns false. This is the dual of some. | |
Given a Refinement or Predicate over A and a ReadonlySet return a new ReadonlySet with only values for which the predicate or refinement return true. | |
Given a function A -> Option and a ReadonlySet return a ReadonlySet by applying the function to all values A. Any Nones will not enter the resultant set while Some values will. This is effectively filtering and mapping simultaneously. | |
Given a function A -> ReadonlySet and a ReadonlySet return a ReadonlySet created by applying the function to every value A and joining all the resulting ReadonlySets. | |
f fold | Reduce a ReadonlySet to a value O by iterating over the values of the set and collecting them with the reducing function. |
Given an instance of Comparable create a Combinable<ReadonlySet> where combine creates a union of two ReadonlySets. | |
Given an instance of Comparable return Comparable<ReadonlySet>. | |
Given an instance of Comparable create a Combinable<ReadonlySet> where combine creates a union of two ReadonlySets. | |
Given an instance of Showable return an instance of Showable<ReadonlySet>. | |
f init | Constructs a new ReadonlySet over type A that conuains no values. |
Given an instance of Comparable return a function that takes two ReadonlySets and returns a new set with only the elements that exist in both sets. | |
Given an instance of Comparable return a function
| |
f join | Given a ReadonlySet of ReadonlySet, flatten all of the inner sets and return a ReadonlySet. |
f map | Given a function A -> I and a ReadonlySet return a new ReadonlySet where the values were created by passing each A through the A -> I function. |
Given a Predicate or Refinement over A and a ReadonlySet return a Pair with a first value being a ReadonlySet of values that return true when applied to the refinement or predicate and a second value being a ReadonlySet of values that return false when applied to the predicate. | |
Given a function A -> Either<J, I> and a ReadonlySet return a Pair(ReadonlySet, ReadonlySet) by applying every value A in the set to the partitioning function. | |
f set | Constructs a new ReadonlySet from an arbitrary number of values. |
f some | Operates like Array.some, testing values in a ReadonlySet with a Predicate until either the predicate returns true for a value or all of the values have been tested. Shortcircuits on the first value that returns true. This is the dual of every. |
Traverse a ReadonlySet value by value, applying a function A -> V, then collecting all of the I values into ReadonlySet and returning V<ReadonlySet>. In concrete terms this can take ReadonlySet<Option> and turn it into Option<ReadonlySet> and other ADT inversions. | |
Given an instance of Comparable return a function that takes two ReadonlySets and merges them into a new ReadonlySet that contains all the elements from both sets. | |
f wrap | Given a value A create a new ReadonlySet that contains that value. |
Specifies ReadonlySet as a Higher Kinded Type, with covariant parameter A corresponding to the 0th index of any substitutions. |
Type Aliases
Extract the inner type of a ReadonlySet |