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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
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function optics.modify
import { optics } from "";
const { modify } = optics;

A pipeable modify function that applies a modification function to a Modifier<S, A> modify function. It will return a function S -> S that applies the modify function according to the type of optic. Note: All Optics are Modifiers.


Example 1

import * as O from "./optics.ts";
import { pipe } from "./fn.ts";

type Person = { readonly name: string };

const name = pipe(<Person>(), O.prop("name"));

const upper = pipe(name, O.modify(s => s.toUpperCase()));

const result1 = upper({ name: "brandon" }); // { name: "BRANDON" }


faa: (a: A) => A


<S>(modifier: Modifier<S, A>) => ReturnType<modifier.modify>