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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
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function array.sequence
import { array } from "";
const { sequence } = array;

Sequence over an array of type V, inverting the relationship between V and ReadonlyArray. This function also keeps the indexed types of in each V at covariant position 0. In other words sequence over [Option, Option] becomes Option<[number, string]>.


Example 1

import * as A from "./array.ts";
import * as O from "./option.ts";

const sequence = A.sequence(O.ApplicativeOption);

const result1 = sequence(O.some(1), O.some("Hello")); // Some([1, "Hello"])
const result2 = sequence(O.none, O.some("Uh Oh")); // None

Type Parameters

V extends Kind


A: Applicative<V>


<VS extends AnySub<V>[]>( VS) => Sequence<V, VS>