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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
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function eq.tuple
import { eq } from "";
const { tuple } = eq;

Creates a eq that compares, index for index, tuples according to the order and eqs passed into tuple.


Example 1

import { tuple, number, string } from "./eq.ts";

const { equals } = tuple(number, string);

const result1 = equals([1, "Hello"])([1, "Goodbye"]); // false
const result2 = equals([1, ""])([1, ""]); // true

Type Parameters

T extends ReadonlyArray<Eq<any>>


...Eqs: T


Eq<[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Eq<infer A> ? A : never>