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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
/** * Bimappable is a structure that allows a function to be applied inside of the * associated concrete structure but is specific to a second held value of that * structure.. * * @module Bimappable * @since 2.0.0 */
import type { $, Hold, Kind } from "./kind.ts";import type { Mappable } from "./mappable.ts";
import { pipe } from "./fn.ts";
/** * The Bimappable interface. Bimapple includes the methods map and mapSecond. */export interface Bimappable<U extends Kind> extends Mappable<U>, Hold<U> { readonly mapSecond: <B, J>( fbj: (value: B) => J, ) => <A = never, C = never, D = unknown, E = unknown>( ta: $<U, [A, B, C], [D], [E]>, ) => $<U, [A, J, C], [D], [E]>;}
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export function bimap<U extends Kind>( { map, mapSecond }: Bimappable<U>,): <A, B, I, J>( fai: (a: A) => I, fbj: (b: B) => J,) => <C = never, D = unknown, E = unknown>( ua: $<U, [A, B, C], [D], [E]>,) => $<U, [I, J, C], [D], [E]> { return (fai, fbj) => (ua) => pipe(ua, map(fai), mapSecond(fbj));}