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A collection of algebraic data types, lenses, and schemables based on a light weight higher kinded type implementation. Written for deno.
/** * JsonSchema contains a set of combinators to build a subset * of [JSON Schema]( in typescript. * It also includes an instance of Schemable that is useful * for describing a Schema to an external system. * * @module JSON Schema * @since 2.0.0 */
import type { Kind, Out } from "./kind.ts";import type { Literal, Schemable, TupleSchemable } from "./schemable.ts";import type { Flatmappable } from "./flatmappable.ts";import type { NonEmptyArray } from "./array.ts";import type { ReadonlyRecord } from "./record.ts";import type { Combinable } from "./combinable.ts";import type { State } from "./state.ts";
import { FlatmappableState } from "./state.ts";import { fromCombine } from "./combinable.ts";import { sequence as sequenceA } from "./array.ts";import { sequence as sequenceR } from "./record.ts";import { pipe } from "./fn.ts";
// --// JSON Schema Types// ---
/** * Represents an unknown JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaUnknown = ReadonlyRecord<unknown>;
/** * Represents boolean in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaBoolean = { readonly type: "boolean" };
/** * Represents null in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaNull = { readonly type: "null" };
/** * Represents null in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaEnum = { readonly enum: NonEmptyArray<Literal> };
/** * Represents an intersection of Schemas in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaAllOf = { readonly allOf: NonEmptyArray<JsonSchema> };
/** * Represents a union of Schemas in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaAnyOf = { readonly anyOf: NonEmptyArray<JsonSchema> };
/** * Represents an exclusive union of Schemas in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaOneOf = { readonly oneOf: NonEmptyArray<JsonSchema> };
/** * Represents a reference to another Schema in JSON Schema, generally * useful for recursion or brevity. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaRef = { readonly $ref: string };
/** * Represents string in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaString = { readonly type: "string"; readonly enum?: NonEmptyArray<string>; readonly minLength?: number; readonly maxLength?: number;};
/** * Represents number(float or integer) in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaNumber = | { readonly type: "integer"; readonly enum?: NonEmptyArray<number> } // Integer | { readonly type: "number"; readonly enum?: NonEmptyArray<number> }; // Float
/** * Represents string Date in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaDate = { readonly type: "string"; readonly format: "date";};
/** * Represents a struct in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaObject = { readonly type: "object"; readonly properties: Record<string, JsonSchema>; readonly required?: NonEmptyArray<string>; readonly additionalProperties?: false | JsonSchema;};
/** * Represents an array or tuple in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaArray = { readonly type: "array"; readonly items: JsonSchema | NonEmptyArray<JsonSchema>; readonly additionalItems?: JsonSchema;};
/** * Represents a collection of Schemas that can be * referenced by a $ref in JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchemaDefinitions = ReadonlyRecord<JsonSchema>;
/** * Represents a recursive JSON Schema * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonSchema = & { definitions?: JsonSchemaDefinitions } & ( | JsonSchemaUnknown | JsonSchemaString | JsonSchemaNumber | JsonSchemaDate | JsonSchemaObject | JsonSchemaArray | JsonSchemaBoolean | JsonSchemaNull | JsonSchemaEnum | JsonSchemaAllOf | JsonSchemaAnyOf | JsonSchemaOneOf | JsonSchemaRef );
// ---// JsonBuilder builds JsonSchema// ---
/** * JsonBuilder is a wrapper over State, used to construct a JsonSchema * combinator by combinator. In this way it can also be used as * a Schemable to create a JsonSchema that matches a Decoder. * * Currently, the JsonSchema only supports a subset of the full * JSON Schema. There are no refinements or formats aside from * the basic types and Date. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type JsonBuilder<_> = State<JsonSchemaDefinitions, JsonSchema>;
/** * Given a JsonBuilder<T> this type will unwrap T for use in * type level programming. * * @since 2.0.0 */export type TypeOf<T> = T extends JsonBuilder<infer A> ? A : never;
/** * The Kind substitution scheme for JsonBuilder. * * @since 2.0.0 */export interface KindJsonBuilder extends Kind { readonly kind: JsonBuilder<Out<this, 0>>;}
// Concat JsonSchemaDefinitionsconst { combine }: Combinable<JsonSchemaDefinitions> = fromCombine( (second) => (first) => Object.assign({}, first, second),);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const FlatmappableJsonBuilder = FlatmappableState as Flatmappable< KindJsonBuilder>;
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const sequenceArray = sequenceA(FlatmappableJsonBuilder);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const sequenceRecord = sequenceR(FlatmappableJsonBuilder);
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const wrap = FlatmappableJsonBuilder.wrap;
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const apply = FlatmappableJsonBuilder.apply;
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const map =;
/** * @since 2.0.0 */export const flatmap = FlatmappableJsonBuilder.flatmap;
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of an unknown type * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * const schema = J.print(J.unknown()); // schema === {} * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function unknown(): JsonBuilder<unknown> { return wrap({});}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of an string type * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "string" } * const schema = J.print(J.string()); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function string(): JsonBuilder<string> { return wrap({ type: "string" });}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of an number type * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "number" } * const schema = J.print(J.number()); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function number(): JsonBuilder<number> { return wrap({ type: "number" });}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of an boolean type * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "boolean" } * const schema = J.print(J.boolean()); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function boolean(): JsonBuilder<boolean> { return wrap({ type: "boolean" });}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of an date type * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "string", format: "date" } * const schema = J.print(; * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function date(): JsonBuilder<Date> { return wrap({ type: "string", format: "date" });}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder over a tuple of literals * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { enum: [1, 2, "hello"] } * const schema = J.print(J.literal(1, 2, "hello")); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function literal<A extends NonEmptyArray<Literal>>( ...literals: A): JsonBuilder<A[number]> { // deno-lint-ignore ban-types const _literals = Exclude<Literal | {}, undefined> => l === undefined ? {} : l ); return wrap({ enum: _literals });}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder that makes the given builder * nullable * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { anyOf: [ { enum: [ 1 ] }, { type: "null" } ] } * const schema = J.print(J.nullable(J.literal(1))); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function nullable<A>(or: JsonBuilder<A>): JsonBuilder<A | null> { return pipe( or, map((or) => ({ anyOf: [or, { type: "null" }] })), );}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder that makes the given builder * undefinable * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { anyOf: [ { enum: [ 1 ] }, {} ] } * const schema = J.print(J.undefinable(J.literal(1))); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function undefinable<A>(or: JsonBuilder<A>): JsonBuilder<A | undefined> { return pipe( or, map((or) => ({ anyOf: [or, {}] })), );}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of a Record with string keys and values * that match the supplied JsonBuilder * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "object", properties: {}, additionalProperties: { type: "number" } } * const schema = J.print(J.record(J.number())); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function record<A>( codomain: JsonBuilder<A>,): JsonBuilder<Record<string, A>> { return pipe( codomain, map((additionalProperties) => ({ type: "object", properties: {}, additionalProperties, })), );}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of an Array with values * that match the supplied JsonBuilder * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "array", items: { type: "number" } } * const schema = J.print(J.array(J.number())); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function array<A>(item: JsonBuilder<A>): JsonBuilder<ReadonlyArray<A>> { return pipe(item, map((items) => ({ type: "array", items })));}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of a tuple with values * that match the supplied JsonBuilders * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // schema === { type: "array", items: [ * // { type: "number" }, * // { type: "string" } * // ] } * const schema = J.print(J.tuple(J.number(), J.string())); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function tuple<A extends any[]>( ...items: { [K in keyof A]: JsonBuilder<A[K]> }): JsonBuilder<{ [K in keyof A]: A[K] }> { return pipe( sequenceArray(...items), map((items) => ({ type: "array", items })), ) as JsonBuilder<{ [K in keyof A]: A[K] }>;}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of a struct with values * and keys that match the supplied JsonBuilders * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // { * // type: "object", * // properties: { num: { type: "number" }, str: { type: "string" } }, * // required: [ "num", "str" ] * // } * const schema = J.print(J.struct({ * num: J.number(), * str: J.string() * })); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function struct<A>( items: { [K in keyof A]: JsonBuilder<A[K]> },): JsonBuilder<{ readonly [K in keyof A]: A[K] }> { return pipe( sequenceRecord(items as Record<string, JsonBuilder<unknown>>), map((properties) => ({ type: "object", properties, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any required: Object.keys(properties as any).sort(), })), ) as JsonBuilder<{ [K in keyof A]: A[K] }>;}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder of a partial with values * and keys that match the supplied JsonBuilders * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // { * // type: "object", * // properties: { num: { type: "number" }, str: { type: "string" } }, * // } * const schema = J.print(J.partial({ * num: J.number(), * str: J.string() * })); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function partial<A>( items: { readonly [K in keyof A]: JsonBuilder<A[K]> },): JsonBuilder<{ [K in keyof A]?: A[K] }> { return pipe( sequenceRecord(items as Record<string, JsonBuilder<unknown>>), map((properties) => ({ type: "object", properties })), ) as JsonBuilder<{ [K in keyof A]: A[K] }>;}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder that intersects two JsonBuilders * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // { * // "allOf": [ * // { * // "type": "object", * // "properties": { * // "num": { * // "type": "number" * // } * // }, * // "required": [ * // "num" * // ] * // }, * // { * // "type": "object", * // "properties": { * // "str": { * // "type": "string" * // } * // } * // } * // ] * // } * * const schema = pipe( * J.struct({ num: J.number() }), * J.intersect(J.partial({ str: J.string() })), * J.print, * ); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function intersect<I>( and: JsonBuilder<I>,): <A>(ta: JsonBuilder<A>) => JsonBuilder<A & I> { return <A>(ta: JsonBuilder<A>) => pipe( sequenceArray(ta, and), map((allOf) => ({ allOf })), );}
/** * Creates a JsonBuilder that unions two JsonBuilders * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // { * // "anyOf": [ * // { * // "type": "object", * // "properties": { * // "num": { * // "type": "number" * // } * // }, * // "required": [ * // "num" * // ] * // }, * // { * // "type": "object", * // "properties": { * // "str": { * // "type": "string" * // } * // } * // } * // ] * // } * * const schema = pipe( * J.struct({ num: J.number() }), * J.union(J.partial({ str: J.string() })), * J.print, * ); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function union<I>( or: JsonBuilder<I>,): <A>(ta: JsonBuilder<A>) => JsonBuilder<A & I> { return <A>(ta: JsonBuilder<A>) => pipe( sequenceArray(ta, or), map((anyOf) => ({ anyOf })), );}
/** * Creates a lazy JsonBuilder, which is useful for creating * recursive JSON Schemas, mutual or otherwise. A limitation * of typescript means that the type must be defined outside * of the JsonBuilder and manually annotated * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import { pipe } from "./fn.ts"; * * // { * // "$ref": "#/definitions/Person", * // "definitions": { * // "Person": { * // "type": "object", * // "properties": { * // "age": { * // "type": "number" * // }, * // "children": { * // "type": "array", * // "items": { * // "$ref": "#/definitions/Person" * // } * // }, * // "name": { * // "type": "string" * // } * // }, * // "required": [ * // "age", * // "children", * // "name" * // ] * // } * // } * // } * * type Person = { * readonly name: string; * readonly age: number; * readonly children: ReadonlyArray<Person>; * }; * * const Person: J.JsonBuilder<Person> = J.lazy("Person", () => * J.struct({ * name: J.string(), * age: J.number(), * children: J.array(Person), * })); * * const schema = J.print(Person); * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function lazy<A>(id: string, fn: () => JsonBuilder<A>): JsonBuilder<A> { let returnRef = false; const ref: JsonSchemaRef = { $ref: `#/definitions/${id}` }; return (s) => { if (returnRef) { return [ref, s]; } returnRef = true; const [schema, defs] = fn()(s); const definitions = pipe({ [id]: schema }, combine(defs), combine(s)); return [ref, definitions]; };}
/** * Collapse a JsonBuilder<A> into a JsonSchema that can be logged * or used as output for a webserver or a file. * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * * console.log(J.print(J.string())); // Logs { type: "string" } * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export function print<A>(jsonschema: JsonBuilder<A>): JsonSchema { const [schema, definitions] = jsonschema({}); return Object.keys(definitions).length > 0 ? { ...schema, definitions } : schema;}
/** * An instance of Schemable for use with a Schema. * * @example * ```ts * import * as J from "./json_schema.ts"; * import * as S from "./schemable.ts"; * * // Let's start with a recursive type structure * type Tree<A> = { * readonly tag: 'Tree'; * readonly value: A; * readonly forest: ReadonlyArray<Tree<A>>; * } * * // Next we can create a generic Schema (non-JSON) for Tree<string> * const TreeSchema: S.Schema<Tree<string>> = S.schema(s => * s.lazy("Tree<string>", () => s.struct({ * tag: s.literal("Tree"), * value: s.string(), * forest: s.array(TreeSchema(s)), * })) * ); * * // Then we can derive a JsonBuilder from the generic Schema * const TreeJsonBuilder = TreeSchema(J.SchemableJsonBuilder); * * // Lastly, we can pull an actual JSON Schema from the JsonBuilder * const TreeJsonSchema = J.print(TreeJsonBuilder); * * // { * // "$ref": "#/definitions/Tree", * // "definitions": { * // "Tree": { * // "type": "object", * // "properties": { * // "forest": { * // "type": "array", * // "items": { * // "$ref": "#/definitions/Tree" * // } * // }, * // "tag": { * // "enum": [ * // "Tree" * // ] * // }, * // "value": { * // "type": "string" * // } * // }, * // "required": [ * // "forest", * // "tag", * // "value" * // ] * // } * // } * // } * ``` * * @since 2.0.0 */export const SchemableJsonBuilder: Schemable<KindJsonBuilder> = { unknown, string, number, boolean, literal, nullable, undefinable, record, array, tuple: tuple as TupleSchemable<KindJsonBuilder>["tuple"], struct, partial, intersect, union, lazy,};