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Work-in-progress front-end tool which does put a smile on my face
class SVGSVGElement
import { SVGSVGElement } from "";



contentScriptType: string

Returns contentScriptType.

currentScale: number

Returns currentScale.

currentTranslate: SVGPoint

Returns current translate.

height: string

Returns height.

preserveAspectRatio: string

Returns preserveAspectRatio.

viewBox: SVGAnimatedRect

Returns view box.

viewport: SVGRect

Returns viewport.

width: string

Returns width.

x: string

Returns x.

y: string

Returns y.


animationsPaused(): boolean

Returns "true" if animation is paused.

checkEnclosure(): boolean

Returns true if the rendered content of the given element is entirely contained within the supplied rectangle.

Returns true if the rendered content of the given element intersects the supplied rectangle.

cloneNode(deep?: boolean): ISVGSVGElement

Clones a node.

createSVGAngle(): SVGAngle

Returns a angle.

createSVGLength(): SVGLength

Returns a length.

createSVGNumber(): SVGNumber

Returns a number.

createSVGPoint(): SVGPoint

Returns a point.

createSVGRect(): SVGRect

Returns a rect.

createSVGTransform(): SVGTransform

Returns a transform.

deselectAll(): void

Unselects any selected objects, including any selections of text strings and type-in bars.

getCurrentTime(): number

Returns the current time in seconds relative to the start time for the current SVG document fragment.

Returns enclousure list.

Returns intersection list.

Pauses animation.

Sets current time.

Unpauses animation.