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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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import { itrToStream, streamFile, InputFile, InputMedia, debug as d,} from '../platform.ts'const debug = d('grammy:warn')
// === JSON serialization where necessary/** * Performs a JSON serialization on some nested properties inside the payload as * required by the Telegram Bot API specification. */export function transformPayload( method: string, payload: Record<string, unknown>) { const entries = Object.entries(payload).map(kv => { const [key, value] = kv if (mustSerialize(method, key)) { kv = [key, JSON.stringify(value)] } return kv }) return Object.fromEntries(entries)}
// === Payload types (JSON vs. form data)/** * Determines for a given payload if it may be sent as JSON, or if it has to be * uploaded via multipart/form-data. Returns `true` in the latter case and * `false` in the former. * * @param payload The payload to analyse */export function requiresFormDataUpload(payload: unknown): boolean { return ( typeof payload === 'object' && payload !== null && Object.values(payload).some(v => Array.isArray(v) ? v.some(requiresFormDataUpload) : v instanceof InputFile || requiresFormDataUpload(v) ) )}/** * Turns a payload into an options object that can be passed to a `fetch` call * by setting the necessary headers and method. May only be called for payloads * `P` that let `requiresFormDataUpload(P)` return `false`. * * @param payload The payload to wrap */export function createJsonPayload(payload: Record<string, unknown>) { return { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', connection: 'keep-alive', }, body: JSON.stringify(payload, (_, v) => v ?? undefined), }}/** * Turns a payload into an options object that can be passed to a `fetch` call * by setting the necessary headers and method. Note that this method creates a * multipart/form-data stream under the hood. If possible, a JSON payload should * be created instead for performance reasons. * * @param payload The payload to wrap */export function createFormDataPayload(payload: Record<string, unknown>) { const boundary = createBoundary()
return { method: 'POST', headers: { 'content-type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`, connection: 'keep-alive', }, body: itrToStream(payloadToMultipartItr(payload, boundary)), }}
// === Form data creationfunction createBoundary() { // Taken from Deno std lib return '----------' + randomId(32)}function randomId(length = 16) { return Array.from(Array(length)) .map(() => Math.random().toString(36)[2] || 0) .join('')}
const enc = new TextEncoder()async function* payloadToMultipartItr( payload: Record<string, unknown>, boundary = createBoundary()): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array> { yield enc.encode(`--${boundary}\r\n`)
const separator = enc.encode(`\r\n--${boundary}\r\n`) let first = true for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(payload)) { if (!first) yield separator if (value instanceof InputFile) { // InputFile in payload if (mustAttachIndirectly(key)) { const id = randomId() yield* filePart(id, key, value) yield valuePart(key, `attach://${id}`) } else { yield* filePart(key, key, value) } } else if (isInputMedia(value)) { // InputMedia* in payload if ( instanceof InputFile) { const id = randomId() yield* filePart(id, key, = `attach://${id}` } yield valuePart(key, JSON.stringify(value)) } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { // Array in payload (elements might be InputMedia*) for (const elem of value) { if (isInputMedia(elem) && instanceof InputFile) { const id = randomId() yield* filePart(id, key, yield separator = `attach://${id}` } } yield valuePart(key, JSON.stringify(value)) } else { // other value in payload yield valuePart( key, typeof value === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(value) : value ) } first = false }
yield enc.encode(`\r\n--${boundary}--`)}
/** Turns a regular value into a `Uint8Array` */function valuePart(key: string, value: unknown): Uint8Array { return enc.encode( `content-disposition:form-data;name="${key}"\r\n\r\n${value}` )}/** Turns an InputFile into a generator of `Uint8Array`s */async function* filePart( id: string, key: string, input: InputFile): AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array> { const filename = input.filename ?? `${key}.${getExt(key)}` if (filename.includes(';') || filename.includes('"')) { debug('WARNING: Telegram Bot API currently does not support') debug('sending filenames that contain semicolons or double quotes') debug('(or both), confer') debug('While grammY will send the correct data, the Telegram') debug('Bot API will discard everything after the first semicolon,') debug('and it will convert the double quotes into spaces.') } yield enc.encode( `content-disposition:form-data;name="${id}";filename=${filename}\r\n\r\n` ) if (input.file instanceof Uint8Array) { // `input.file` is a buffer yield input.file } else { const stream = typeof input.file === 'string' ? await streamFile(input.file) // `input.file` is a file path : input.file // `input.file` is a stream yield* stream }}/** Returns the default file extension for an API property name */function getExt(key: string) { switch (key) { case 'photo': return 'jpg' case 'voice': return 'ogg' case 'audio': return 'mp3' case 'animation': case 'video': case 'video_note': return 'mp4' case 'sticker': return 'webp' default: return 'dat' }}
// === Helper functions/** Fields that have to be JSON serialized in all methods */const serializationFields = new Set([ 'allowed_updates', 'reply_markup', 'options', 'commands', 'mask_position', 'results', 'prices', 'shipping_options', 'errors',])/** Fields that have to be JSON serialized only for some methods */const serializationMethodFields = new Set(['restrictChatMember:permissions'])/** Determines if a given key in a given method should be JSON-serialized */function mustSerialize(method: string, key: string) { return ( serializationFields.has(key) || serializationMethodFields.has(`${method}:${key}`) )}/** Fields that require a multipart/form-data upload via ID instead of via the property itself */const indirectAttachmentFields = new Set(['thumb'])/** Determines if a file behind a given key should be send via `attach://<id>` instead of the key itself */function mustAttachIndirectly(key: string) { return indirectAttachmentFields.has(key)}function has<K extends readonly string[]>( obj: unknown, props: K): obj is Record<K[number], unknown> { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && props.every(p => p in obj)}const inputMediaProps = ['type', 'media'] as const/** Determines if a value is an `InputMedia` object */function isInputMedia(value: unknown): value is InputMedia { return ( has(value, inputMediaProps) && typeof value.type === 'string' && (typeof === 'string' || instanceof InputFile) )}