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The Telegram Bot Framework.
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import { ApiResponse, baseFetchConfig, debug as d, Opts, Telegram,} from "../platform.deno.ts";import { GrammyError, HttpError } from "./error.ts";import { createFormDataPayload, createJsonPayload, requiresFormDataUpload,} from "./payload.ts";const debug = d("grammy:core");
export type Methods<R extends RawApi> = string & keyof R;
// Available under `bot.api.raw`/** * Represents the raw Telegram Bot API with all methods specified 1:1 as * documented on the website ( * * Every method takes an optional `AbortSignal` object that allows to cancel the * API call if desired. */export type RawApi = { [M in keyof Telegram]: Parameters<Telegram[M]>[0] extends undefined ? (signal?: AbortSignal) => Promise<ReturnType<Telegram[M]>> : ( args: Opts<M>, signal?: AbortSignal, ) => Promise<ReturnType<Telegram[M]>>;};
export type Payload<M extends Methods<R>, R extends RawApi> = M extends unknown ? R[M] extends (signal?: AbortSignal) => unknown // deno-lint-ignore ban-types ? {} // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any : R[M] extends (args: any, signal?: AbortSignal) => unknown ? Parameters<R[M]>[0] : never : never;
/** * Small utility interface that abstracts from webhook reply calls of different * web frameworks. */export interface WebhookReplyEnvelope { send?: (payload: string) => void | Promise<void>;}
/** * Type of a function that can perform an API call. Used for Transformers. */export type ApiCallFn<R extends RawApi = RawApi> = <M extends Methods<R>>( method: M, payload: Payload<M, R>, signal?: AbortSignal,) => Promise<ApiResponse<ApiCallResult<M, R>>>;
type ApiCallResult<M extends Methods<R>, R extends RawApi> = R[M] extends ( ...args: unknown[]) => unknown ? Await<ReturnType<R[M]>> : never;type Await<T> = T extends PromiseLike<infer V> ? V : T;
/** * API call transformers are functions that can access and modify the method and * payload of an API call on the fly. This can be useful if you want to * implement rate limiting or other things against the Telegram Bot API. * * Confer the grammY * [documentation]( to read more * about how to use transformers. */export type Transformer<R extends RawApi = RawApi> = <M extends Methods<R>>( prev: ApiCallFn<R>, method: M, payload: Payload<M, R>, signal?: AbortSignal,) => Promise<ApiResponse<ApiCallResult<M, R>>>;export type TransformerConsumer<R extends RawApi = RawApi> = TransformableApi< R>["use"];/** * A transformable API enhances the `RawApi` type by transformers. */export interface TransformableApi<R extends RawApi = RawApi> { /** * Access to the raw API that the tranformers will be installed on. */ raw: R; /** * Can be used to register any number of transformers on the API. */ use: (...transformers: Transformer<R>[]) => this; /** * Returns a readonly list or the currently installed transformers. The list * is sorted by time of installation where index 0 represents the * transformer that was installed first. */ installedTransformers: Transformer<R>[];}
// Transformer base functionsfunction concatTransformer<R extends RawApi>( prev: ApiCallFn<R>, trans: Transformer<R>,): ApiCallFn<R> { return (method, payload, signal) => trans(prev, method, payload, signal);}
/** * Options to pass to the API client that eventually connects to the Telegram * Bot API server and makes the HTTP requests. */export interface ApiClientOptions { /** * Root URL of the Telegram Bot API server. Default: * */ apiRoot?: string; /** * URL builder function for API calls. Can be used to modify which API * server should be called. * * @param root The URL that was passed in `apiRoot`, or its default value * @param token The bot's token that was passed when creating the bot * @param method The API method to be called, e.g. `getMe` * @returns The URL that will be fetched during the API call */ buildUrl?: ( root: string, token: string, method: string, ) => Parameters<typeof fetch>[0]; /** * If the bot is running on webhooks, as soon as the bot receives an update * from Telegram, it is possible to make up to one API call in the response * to the webhook request. As a benefit, this saves your bot from making up * to one HTTP request per update. However, there are a number of drawbacks * to using this: * 1) You will not be able to handle potential errors of the respective API * call. This includes rate limiting errors, so sent messages can be * swallowed by the Bot API server and there is no way to detect if a * message was actually sent or not. * 2) More importantly, you also won't have access to the response object, * so e.g. calling `sendMessage` will not give you access to the message * you sent. * 3) Furthermore, it is not possible to cancel the request. The * `AbortSignal` will be disregarded. * 4) Note also that the types in grammY do not reflect the consequences of * a performed webhook callback! For instance, they indicate that you * always receive a response object, so it is your own responsibility to * make sure you're not screwing up while using this minor performance * optimization. * * With this warning out of the way, here is what you can do with the * `canUseWebhookReply` option: it can be used to pass a function that * determines whether to use webhook reply for the given method. It will * only be invoked if the payload can be sent as JSON. It will not be * invoked again for a given update after it returned `true`, indicating * that the API call should be performed as a webhook send. In other words, * subsequent API calls (during the same update) will always perform their * own HTTP requests. * * @param method The method to call */ canUseWebhookReply?: (method: string) => boolean; /** * Base configuration for `fetch` calls. Specify any additional parameters * to use when fetching a method of the Telegram Bot API. Default: `{ * compress: true }` (Node), `{}` (Deno) */ baseFetchConfig?: Omit< NonNullable<Parameters<typeof fetch>[1]>, "method" | "headers" | "body" >; /** * When the network connection is unreliable and some API requests fail * because of that, grammY will throw errors that tell you exactly which * requests failed. However, the error messages do not disclose the fetched * URL as it contains your bot's token. Logging it may lead to token leaks. * * If you are sure that no logs are ever posted in Telegram chats, GitHub * issues, or otherwise shared, you can set this option to `true` in order * to obtain more detailed logs that may help you debug your bot. The * default value is `false`, meaning that the bot token is not logged. */ sensitiveLogs?: boolean;}
class ApiClient<R extends RawApi> { private readonly options: Required<ApiClientOptions>;
private hasUsedWebhookReply = false;
readonly installedTransformers: Transformer<R>[] = [];
constructor( private readonly token: string, options: ApiClientOptions = {}, private readonly webhookReplyEnvelope: WebhookReplyEnvelope = {}, ) { this.options = { apiRoot: options.apiRoot ?? "", buildUrl: options.buildUrl ?? ((root, token, method) => `${root}/bot${token}/${method}`), baseFetchConfig: options.baseFetchConfig ?? baseFetchConfig, canUseWebhookReply: options.canUseWebhookReply ?? (() => false), sensitiveLogs: options.sensitiveLogs ?? false, }; if (this.options.apiRoot.endsWith("/")) { throw new Error( `Remove the trailing '/' from the 'apiRoot' option (use '${ this.options.apiRoot.substr( 0, this.options.apiRoot.length - 1, ) }' instead of '${this.options.apiRoot}')`, ); } }
private call: ApiCallFn<R> = async <M extends Methods<R>>( method: M, payload: Payload<M, R>, signal?: AbortSignal, ) => { debug("Calling", method); const url = this.options.buildUrl( this.options.apiRoot, this.token, method, ); const formDataRequired = requiresFormDataUpload(payload); if ( this.webhookReplyEnvelope.send !== undefined && !this.hasUsedWebhookReply && !formDataRequired && this.options.canUseWebhookReply(method) ) { this.hasUsedWebhookReply = true; const config = createJsonPayload({ ...payload, method }); await this.webhookReplyEnvelope.send(config.body); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return { ok: true, result: true as any }; } else { const p = payload ?? {}; const sensLogs = this.options.sensitiveLogs;
const abortController = new AbortController(); const abort = combineAborts(abortController, signal);
const res = await new Promise<ApiResponse<ApiCallResult<M, R>>>( (resolve, reject) => { function onStreamError(err: unknown) { abort(); reject(err); } const onHttpError = toHttpError(method, sensLogs, reject); const config = formDataRequired ? createFormDataPayload(p, onStreamError) : createJsonPayload(p); const opts = { ...this.options.baseFetchConfig, signal: abortController.signal, ...config, }; fetch(url, opts).then((res) => res.json()).then(resolve) .catch(onHttpError); }, ); return res; } };
use(...transformers: Transformer<R>[]) { = transformers.reduce(concatTransformer,; this.installedTransformers.push(...transformers); return this; }
async callApi<M extends Methods<R>>( method: M, payload: Payload<M, R>, signal?: AbortSignal, ) { const data = await, payload, signal); if (data.ok) return data.result; else { throw new GrammyError( `Call to '${method}' failed!`, data, method, payload, ); } }}
/** * Creates a new transformable API, i.e. an object that lets you perform raw API * calls to the Telegram Bot API server but pass the calls through a stack of * transformers before. This will create a new API client instance under the * hood that will be used to connect to the Telegram servers. You therefore need * to pass the bot token. In addition, you may pass API client options as well * as a webhook reply envelope that allows the client to perform up to one HTTP * request in response to a webhook call if this is desired. * * @param token The bot's token * @param options A number of options to pass to the created API client * @param webhookReplyEnvelope The webhook reply envelope that will be used */export function createRawApi<R extends RawApi>( token: string, options?: ApiClientOptions, webhookReplyEnvelope?: WebhookReplyEnvelope,): TransformableApi<R> { const client = new ApiClient<R>(token, options, webhookReplyEnvelope);
const proxyHandler: ProxyHandler<R> = { get(_, m: Methods<R> | "toJSON") { return m === "toJSON" ? "__internal" : client.callApi.bind(client, m); }, ...proxyMethods, }; const raw = new Proxy({} as R, proxyHandler); const installedTransformers = client.installedTransformers; const api: TransformableApi<R> = { raw, installedTransformers, use: (...t) => { client.use(...t); return api; }, };
return api;}
const proxyMethods = { set() { return false; }, defineProperty() { return false; }, deleteProperty() { return false; }, ownKeys() { return []; },};
function isTelegramError( err: unknown,): err is { status: string; statusText: string } { return ( typeof err === "object" && err !== null && "status" in err && "statusText" in err );}function toHttpError( method: string, sensitiveLogs: boolean, reject: (err: unknown) => void,) { return (err: unknown) => { let msg = `Network request for '${method}' failed!`; if (isTelegramError(err)) msg += ` (${err.status}: ${err.statusText})`; if (sensitiveLogs && err instanceof Error) msg += ` ${err.message}`; reject(new HttpError(msg, err)); };}function combineAborts(abortController: AbortController, signal?: AbortSignal) { if (signal === undefined) return () => abortController.abort(); const sig = signal; function abort() { abortController.abort(); sig.removeEventListener("abort", abort); } if (sig.aborted) abort(); else sig.addEventListener("abort", abort); return abort;}