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function distribute
import { distribute } from "";

Creates middleware that distributes updates across cores.

This function should be used in combination with the BotWorker class. Create an instance of BotWorker in a separate file. Let's assume that this file is called worker.ts. This will define your actual bot logic.

You can now do

const bot = new Bot("");

// Deno:
bot.use(distribute(new URL("./worker.ts", import.meta.url)));
// Node:
bot.use(distribute(__dirname + "/worker"));

in a central place to use the bot worker in worker.ts and send updates to it.

Under the hood, distribute will create several web workers (Deno) or worker threads (Node) using worker.ts. Updates are distributed among them in a round-robin fashion.

You can adjust the number of workers via count in an options object which is passed as a second argument, i.e. distribute(specifier, { count: 8 }). By default, 4 workers are created.

Type Parameters

C extends { update: { update_id: number; }; me: UserFromGetMe; }


specifier: ModuleSpecifier

Module specifier to a file which creates a BotWorker

options: { count?: number; }

Further options to control the number of workers