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class BotWorker
extends Bot<C, A>
import { BotWorker } from "";

A BotWorker instance is a like a Bot instance in the sense that it can process updates. It is different from Bot because it cannot pull in these updates, so it cannot be be started or stopped. Instead, it has to receive these updates from a central Bot instance that fetches updates.

Create an instance of this class in a separate file.

// worker.ts
const bot = new BotWorker(""); // <-- pass your bot token here (again)

bot.on("message", (ctx) => ctx.reply("yay!"));

This is the place where you should define all your bot logic. Install plugins, add handlers, process messages and other updates. Basically, instead of creating a bot, you only create a bot worker.

Next, you can define a very minimal central bot instance to pull in updates. You can use this central instance to sequentialize your updates. However, it generally makes sense to put as little logic as possible in it.

Install the distribute middleware exported from grammY runner to send the updates to your bot workers.

Note that any plugins you install in the central bot instance will not be available inside the bot worker. In face, you can even use different context types in the central bot instance and in your bot workers.


BotWorker(token: string, config?: BotConfig<C>)

Type Parameters

C extends Context = Context
A extends Api = Api