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Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
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import { compose } from './compose.ts'import { Context } from './context.ts'import { extendRequestPrototype } from './request.ts'
type C = { req: Record<string, string> res: Record<string, string>}
describe('compose', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const a = async (c: C, next: Function) => { c.req['log'] = 'log' await next() }
const b = async (c: C, next: Function) => { await next() c.res['headers'] = 'custom-header' }
const c = async (c: C, next: Function) => { c.req['xxx'] = 'yyy' await next() c.res['zzz'] = c.req['xxx'] }
const handler = async (c: C, next: Function) => { c.req['log'] = `${c.req.log} message` await next() c.res = { message: 'new response' } }
middleware.push(a) middleware.push(b) middleware.push(c) middleware.push(handler)
it('Request', async () => { const c: C = { req: {}, res: {} } const composed = compose<C>(middleware) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.req['log']).not.toBeNull() expect(context.req['log']).toBe('log message') expect(context.req['xxx']).toBe('yyy') }) it('Response', async () => { const c: C = { req: {}, res: {} } const composed = compose<C>(middleware) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.res['headers']).not.toBeNull() expect(context.res['headers']).toBe('custom-header') expect(context.res['message']).toBe('new response') expect(context.res['zzz']).toBe('yyy') })})
describe('Handler and middlewares', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req)
const mHandlerFoo = async (c: Context, next: Function) => { c.req.headers.append('x-header-foo', 'foo') await next() }
const mHandlerBar = async (c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() c.header('x-header-bar', 'bar') }
const handler = (c: Context) => { const foo = c.req.header('x-header-foo') || '' return c.text(foo) }
middleware.push(mHandlerFoo) middleware.push(mHandlerBar) middleware.push(handler)
it('Should return 200 Response', async () => { const composed = compose<Context>(middleware) const context = await composed(c) const res = context.res expect(res).not.toBeNull() expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(await res.text()).toBe('foo') expect(res.headers.get('x-header-bar')).toBe('bar') })})
describe('compose with Context - 200 success', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req) const handler = (c: Context) => { return c.text('Hello') } const mHandler = async (_c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() }
middleware.push(handler) middleware.push(mHandler)
it('Should return 200 Response', async () => { const composed = compose<Context>(middleware) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.res).not.toBeNull() expect(context.res.status).toBe(200) expect(await context.res!.text()).toBe('Hello') })})
describe('compose with Context - 404 not found', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req) const onError = (_error: Error, c: Context) => { return c.text('onError', 500) } const onNotFound = (c: Context) => { return c.text('onNotFound', 404) } const mHandler = async (_c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() }
it('Should return 404 Response', async () => { const composed = compose<Context>(middleware, onError, onNotFound) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.res).not.toBeNull() expect(context.res.status).toBe(404) expect(await context.res.text()).toBe('onNotFound') expect(context.finalized).toBe(true) })})
describe('compose with Context - 401 not authorized', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req) const onError = (_error: Error, c: Context) => { return c.text('onError', 500) } const handler = (c: Context, _next: Function) => { return c.text('Hello') } const mHandler = async (c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() c.res = new Response('Not authorized', { status: 401 }) }
middleware.push(mHandler) middleware.push(handler)
it('Should return 401 Response', async () => { const composed = compose<Context>(middleware, onError) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.res).not.toBeNull() expect(context.res.status).toBe(401) expect(await context.res.text()).toBe('Not authorized') expect(context.finalized).toBe(true) })})
describe('compose with Context - next() below', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req) const onError = (_error: Error, c: Context) => { return c.text('onError', 500) } const handler = (c: Context) => { const message = c.req.header('x-custom') || 'blank' return c.text(message) } const mHandler = async (c: Context, next: Function) => { c.req.headers.append('x-custom', 'foo') await next() }
middleware.push(mHandler) middleware.push(handler)
it('Should return 200 Response', async () => { const composed = compose<Context>(middleware, onError) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.res).not.toBeNull() expect(context.res.status).toBe(200) expect(await context.res.text()).toBe('foo') expect(context.finalized).toBe(true) })})
describe('compose with Context - 500 error', () => { const middleware: Function[] = []
const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req) const onError = (_error: Error, c: Context) => { return c.text('onError', 500) }
it('Error on handler', async () => { const handler = () => { throw new Error() }
const mHandler = async (_c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() }
middleware.push(mHandler) middleware.push(handler)
const composed = compose<Context>(middleware, onError) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.res).not.toBeNull() expect(context.res.status).toBe(500) expect(await context.res.text()).toBe('onError') expect(context.finalized).toBe(true) })
it('Error on middleware', async () => { const handler = (c: Context) => { return c.text('OK') }
const mHandler = async () => { throw new Error() }
middleware.push(mHandler) middleware.push(handler)
const composed = compose<Context>(middleware, onError) const context = await composed(c) expect(c.res).not.toBeNull() expect(c.res.status).toBe(500) expect(await context.res.text()).toBe('onError') expect(context.finalized).toBe(true) })
it('Run all the middlewares', async () => { const ctx: C = { req: {}, res: {} } const stack: number[] = [] const middlewares = [ async (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { stack.push(0) await next() }, async (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { stack.push(1) await next() }, async (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { stack.push(2) await next() }, ] const composed = compose(middlewares) await composed(ctx) expect(stack).toEqual([0, 1, 2]) })})describe('compose with Context - not finalized', () => { const req = new Request('http://localhost/') const c: Context = new Context(req)
const onError = (_error: Error, c: Context) => { return c.text('onError', 500) } const onNotFound = (c: Context) => { return c.text('onNotFound', 404) }
it('Should not be finalized - lack `next()`', async () => { const middleware: Function[] = [] const mHandler = async (_c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() } const mHandler2 = async () => {}
middleware.push(mHandler) middleware.push(mHandler2) const composed = compose<Context>(middleware, onError, onNotFound) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.finalized).toBe(false) })
it('Should not be finalized - lack `return Response`', async () => { const middleware2: Function[] = [] const mHandler3 = async (_c: Context, next: Function) => { await next() } const handler = async () => {} middleware2.push(mHandler3) middleware2.push(handler)
const composed = compose<Context>(middleware2, onError, onNotFound) const context = await composed(c) expect(context.finalized).toBe(false) })})
describe('Compose', function () { function isPromise(x: any) { return x && typeof x.then === 'function' }
it('should get executed order one by one', async () => { const arr: number[] = [] const stack = [] const called: boolean[] = []
stack.push(async (_context: C, next: Function) => { called.push(true)
arr.push(1) await next() arr.push(6) })
stack.push(async (_context: C, next: Function) => { called.push(true)
arr.push(2) await next() arr.push(5) })
stack.push(async (_context: C, next: Function) => { called.push(true)
arr.push(3) await next() arr.push(4) })
await compose(stack)({}) expect(called).toEqual([true, true, true]) expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) })
it('should not get executed if previous next() not triggered', async () => { const arr: number[] = [] const stack = [] const called: boolean[] = []
stack.push(async (_context: C, next: Function) => { called.push(true)
arr.push(1) await next() arr.push(6) })
stack.push(async () => { called.push(true) arr.push(2) })
stack.push(async (_context: C, next: Function) => { called.push(true)
arr.push(3) await next() arr.push(4) })
await compose(stack)({}) expect(called).toEqual([true, true]) expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 6]) })
it('should be able to be called twice', () => { type C = { arr: number[] } const stack = []
stack.push(async (context: C, next: Function) => { context.arr.push(1) await next() context.arr.push(6) })
stack.push(async (context: C, next: Function) => { context.arr.push(2) await next() context.arr.push(5) })
stack.push(async (context: C, next: Function) => { context.arr.push(3) await next() context.arr.push(4) })
const fn = compose(stack) const ctx1 = { arr: [] as number[] } const ctx2 = { arr: [] as number[] } const out = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
return fn(ctx1) .then(() => { expect(out).toEqual(ctx1.arr) return fn(ctx2) }) .then(() => { expect(out).toEqual(ctx2.arr) }) })
it('should create next functions that return a Promise', function () { const stack: any[] = [] const arr: any[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { stack.push((_context: C, next: Function) => { arr.push(next()) }) }
for (const next of arr) { expect(isPromise(next)).toBe(true) } })
it('should work with 0 middleware', function () { return compose([])({}) })
it('should work when yielding at the end of the stack', async () => { const stack = [] let called = false
stack.push(async (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { await next() called = true })
await compose(stack)({}) expect(called).toBe(true) })
it('should reject on errors in middleware', () => { const stack = []
stack.push(() => { throw new Error() })
return compose(stack)({}).then( () => { throw new Error('promise was not rejected') }, (e) => { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(Error) } ) })
it('should keep the context', () => { const ctx = {}
const stack = []
stack.push(async (ctx2: C, next: Function) => { await next() expect(ctx2).toEqual(ctx) })
stack.push(async (ctx2: C, next: Function) => { await next() expect(ctx2).toEqual(ctx) })
stack.push(async (ctx2: C, next: Function) => { await next() expect(ctx2).toEqual(ctx) })
return compose(stack)(ctx) })
it('should catch downstream errors', async () => { const arr: any[] = [] const stack = []
stack.push(async (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { arr.push(1) try { arr.push(6) await next() arr.push(7) } catch (err) { arr.push(2) } arr.push(3) })
stack.push(async () => { arr.push(4) throw new Error() })
await compose(stack)({}) expect(arr).toEqual([1, 6, 4, 2, 3]) })
it('should compose w/ next', () => { let called = false
return compose([])({}, async () => { called = true }).then(function () { expect(called).toBe(true) }) })
it('should handle errors in wrapped non-async functions', () => { const stack = []
stack.push(function () { throw new Error() })
return compose(stack)({}).then( () => { throw new Error('promise was not rejected') }, (e) => { expect(e).toBeInstanceOf(Error) } ) })
// it('should compose w/ other compositions', () => { const called: number[] = []
return compose([ compose([ (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { called.push(1) return next() }, (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { called.push(2) return next() }, ]), (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { called.push(3) return next() }, ])({}).then(() => expect(called).toEqual([1, 2, 3])) })
it('should throw if next() is called multiple times', () => { return compose([ async (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { await next() await next() }, ])({}).then( () => { throw new Error('boom') }, (err) => { expect(/multiple times/.test(err.message)).toBe(true) } ) })
it('should return a valid middleware', () => { let val = 0 return compose([ compose([ (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { val++ return next() }, (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { val++ return next() }, ]), (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { val++ return next() }, ])({}).then(function () { expect(val).toEqual(3) }) })
it('should return last return value', async () => { type C = { val: number } const stack = []
stack.push(async (ctx: C, next: Function) => { await next() expect(ctx.val).toEqual(2) ctx.val = 1 })
stack.push(async (ctx: C, next: Function) => { ctx.val = 2 await next() expect(ctx.val).toEqual(2) })
const res = await compose(stack)({ val: 0 }) expect(res).toEqual({ val: 1 }) })
it('should not affect the original middleware array', () => { const middleware = [] const fn1 = (_ctx: C, next: Function) => { return next() } middleware.push(fn1)
for (const fn of middleware) { expect(fn).toEqual(fn1) }
for (const fn of middleware) { expect(fn).toEqual(fn1) } })
it('should not get stuck on the passed in next', async () => { type C = { middleware: number next: number }
const middleware = [ (ctx: C, next: Function) => { ctx.middleware++ return next() }, ] const ctx = { middleware: 0, next: 0, }
return compose(middleware)(ctx, (ctx: C, next: Function) => { return next() }).then(() => { expect(ctx).toEqual({ middleware: 1, next: 1 }) }) })})