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Create a html response with JSX.
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/** @jsx h */import { serve } from "";import html, { h } from "./html.tsx";import UnoCSS from "./plugins/unocss.ts";import ColorScheme from "./plugins/color-scheme.ts";
html.use( UnoCSS(), ColorScheme("auto"), (ctx) => { ctx.scripts = [`console.log("Hello plugin!")`, ...(ctx.scripts ?? [])]; },);
serve((_res) => html({ lang: "en", title: "Hello World!", meta: { description: "This is a description.", }, links: [ { rel: "mask-icon", href: "/logo.svg", color: "#ffffff" }, ], styles: [ "*{margin:0;padding:0}", ], scripts: [ "console.log('Hello World!')", ], headers: [["Cache-Control", "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate"]], body: ( <div class="flex items-center flex-col justify-center w-screen h-screen"> <p class="text-5xl font-bold text-green-600">Hello World!</p> <span class="inline-block mt-2 dark:hidden cursor-pointer" /* @ts-ignore */ onclick="setColorScheme('dark')" > Dark Mode </span> <span class="hidden mt-2 dark:inline-block cursor-pointer" /* @ts-ignore */ onclick="setColorScheme('light')" > Light Mode </span> </div> ), }));