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Simple helper functions to create Fetch API Response’s.


There’s a simple function for each HTTP status type. See the table below for the functions and their status code. Most functions take a body argument and the response init object. The headers and other information can be specified in the response init object.

Most response helpers will have the following functions.

  • ok(body, init) - Only automatically sets the status code and status text.
  • ok.json(body, init) - Automatically sets status and the content type to application/json
  • ok.text(body, init) - Automatically sets status and the content type to text/plain
  • ok.blob(body, init) - Automatically sets status and the content type to application/octet-stream


import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  return ok("Hello world");

With headers

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  return ok("Hello world", {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "text/plain",


Deserializes the body object supplied and sets the Content-Type to application/json.

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  const body = {
    message: "Hello world",
  return ok.json(body);

With headers

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  const body = {
    message: "Hello world",
  return ok.json(body, {
    headers: {
      "X-Custom-Header": "custom header value",

Plain text

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  return ok.text("Hello world");


import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  return ok.blob(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]));


Function Status
ok 200
created 201
accepted 202
nonAuthoritativeInfo 203
noContent 204
resetContent 205
partialContent 206
multiStatus 207
alreadyReported 208
imUsed 226
multipleChoices 300
movedPermanently 301
found 302
seeOther 303
notModified 304
useProxy 305
temporaryRedirect 307
permanentRedirect 308
badRequest 400
unauthorized 401
paymentRequired 402
forbidden 403
notFound 404
methodNotAllowed 405
notAcceptable 406
proxyAuthRequired 407
requestTimeout 408
conflict 409
gone 410
lengthRequired 411
preconditionFailed 412
requestEntityTooLarge 413
requestURITooLong 414
unsupportedMediaType 415
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable 416
expectationFailed 417
teapot 418
misdirectedRequest 421
unprocessableEntity 422
locked 423
failedDependency 424
tooEarly 425
upgradeRequired 426
preconditionRequired 428
tooManyRequests 429
requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge 431
unavailableForLegalReasons 451
internalServerError 500
notImplemented 501
badGateway 502
serviceUnavailable 503
gatewayTimeout 504
httpVersionNotSupported 505
variantAlsoNegotiates 506
insufficientStorage 507
loopDetected 508
notExtended 510
networkAuthenticationRequired 511