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Simple helper functions to create Fetch API Response’s.


There’s a simple function for each HTTP status type. See the deno docs for the functions and their status code. Most functions take a body argument and the response init object. The headers and other information can be specified in the response init object.

Most response helpers will have the following functions.

  • ok(body, init) - Only automatically sets the status code and status text.
  • ok.json(body, init) - Automatically sets status and the content type to application/json


import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  return ok("Hello world");

With custom headers

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  return ok("Hello world", {
    headers: {
      "X-Custom-Header": "custom header value",


Deserializes the body object supplied and sets the Content-Type to application/json.

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  const body = {
    message: "Hello world",
  return ok.json(body);

With custom headers

import { serve } from "";

import { ok } from "";

serve((req: Request) => {
  const body = {
    message: "Hello world",
  return ok.json(body, {
    headers: {
      "X-Custom-Header": "custom header value",