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HTTP request router for standard Request and Response.


The package supports multiple platforms.

  • -
  • npm - @httpland/http-router

HTTP router

Create HTTP request router with URL pattern and method handler map.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { serve } from "$VERSION/http/mod.ts";
const router = createRouter({
  "/api/students/:name": {
    GET: (req, ctx) => {
      const greeting = `Hello! ${!}`;
      return new Response(greeting);
  "/api/status": () => new Response("OK"), // Any HTTP request method
await serve(router);

Route handler context

The route handler receives the following context.

Name Description
params { readonly [k in string]?: string }
URL matched parameters.
route string
Route pathname.
pattern URLPattern
URL pattern.

URL match pattern

URL patterns can be defined using the URL pattern API.

  • Literal strings which will be matched exactly.
  • Wildcards (/posts/*) that match any character.
  • Named groups (/books/:id) which extract a part of the matched URL.
  • Non-capturing groups (/books{/old}?) which make parts of a pattern optional or be matched multiple times.
  • RegExp groups (/books/(\\d+)) which make arbitrarily complex regex matches with a few limitations.

HEAD request handler

By default, if a GET request handler is defined, a HEAD request handler is automatically added.

This feature is based on RFC 9110, 9.1

All general-purpose servers MUST support the methods GET and HEAD.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { serve } from "$VERSION/http/mod.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "$VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";
const router = createRouter({
  "/": {
    GET: (req) => {
      const body = `Hello! world`;
      return new Response(body, {
        headers: {
          "content-length": new Blob([body]).size.toString(),

const req = new Request("http://localhost", { method: "HEAD" });
const res = await router(req);
assertEquals(res.body, null);
assertEquals(res.headers.get("content-length"), "12");

This can be disabled by setting withHead to false.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
createRouter({}, { withHead: false });

Handle base path

Change the router base path.

Just as you could use baseURL or base tags on the Web, you can change the basePath of your router.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "$VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";
const api = createRouter({
  "/hello": () => new Response("world"),
}, { basePath: "/api" });

const res = await api(new Request("http://localhost/api/hello"));
assertEquals(res.ok, true);

The basePath and route path are merged without overlapping slashes.


In addition to user-defined responses, routers may return the following responses:

Status Headers Condition
404 - If not all route paths match.
405 allow If no HTTP method handler is defined.
500 - If an internal error occurs.


All APIs can be found in the deno doc.


Benchmark script with comparison to several popular routers is available.

deno bench --unstable


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Released under the MIT license