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HTTP request router for standard Request and Response.

  • Based on URL pattern API
  • Tiny, lean
  • Nested route
  • Automatically HEAD request handler
  • Debug mode


The package supports multiple platforms.

  • -
  • npm - @httpland/http-router

HTTP router

Create HTTP request router with URL pattern and method handler map.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { serve } from "$VERSION/http/mod.ts";
const router = createRouter({
  "/api/students/:name": {
    GET: (req, ctx) => {
      const greeting = `Hello! ${!}`;
      return new Response(greeting);
  "/api/status": () => new Response("OK"), // Any HTTP request method
await serve(router);

Route handler context

The route handler receives the following context.

Name Description
params { readonly [k in string]?: string }
URL matched parameters.
route string
Route pathname.
pattern URLPattern
URL pattern.

Nested route

Nested route is supported.

The nested root is a flat route syntax sugar. Nesting can be as deep as desired.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
  "/api": {
    "status": () => new Response("OK"),
    "hello": {
      GET: () => new Response("world!"),

This matches the following pattern:

  • /api/status
  • [GET] /api/hello
  • [HEAD] /api/hello (if withHead is not false)

Joining path segment

Path segments are joined without overlapping slashes.

The result is the same with or without slashes between path segments.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
  "/api": {
    "status": () => new Response("OK"),
    "/status": () => new Response("OK"),
  "/api/status": () => new Response("OK"),

They all represent the same URL pattern.

Throwing error

Routers may throw an error during initialization.

If an error is detected in the user-defined routing table, an error is thrown.

Error in the routing table:

  • Duplicate route
  • Duplicate route and HTTP method pairs

These prevent you from writing multiple routing tables with the same meaning and protect you from unexpected bugs.

Throwing error patterns:

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
  "/api": {
    "status": () => new Response("OK"),
    "/status": () => new Response("OK"),
  "/api/status": () => new Response("OK"),
}); // duplicate /api/status
  "/api": {
    "status": {
      GET: () => new Response("OK"),
  "/api/status": {
    GET: () => new Response("OK"),
}); // duplicate [GET] /api/status

router detects as many errors as possible and throws errors. In this case, it throws AggregateError, which has RouterError as a child.

URL match pattern

URL patterns can be defined using the URL pattern API.

  • Literal strings which will be matched exactly.
  • Wildcards (/posts/*) that match any character.
  • Named groups (/books/:id) which extract a part of the matched URL.
  • Non-capturing groups (/books{/old}?) which make parts of a pattern optional or be matched multiple times.
  • RegExp groups (/books/(\\d+)) which make arbitrarily complex regex matches with a few limitations.

HEAD request handler

By default, if a GET request handler is defined, a HEAD request handler is automatically added.

This feature is based on RFC 9110, 9.1

All general-purpose servers MUST support the methods GET and HEAD.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { serve } from "$VERSION/http/mod.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "$VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";
const router = createRouter({
  "/": {
    GET: (req) => {
      const body = `Hello! world`;
      return new Response(body, {
        headers: {
          "content-length": new Blob([body]).size.toString(),

const req = new Request("http://localhost", { method: "HEAD" });
const res = await router(req);
assertEquals(res.body, null);
assertEquals(res.headers.get("content-length"), "12");

This can be disabled by setting withHead to false.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
createRouter({}, { withHead: false });

Handle base path

Change the router base path.

Just as you could use baseURL or base tags on the Web, you can change the basePath of your router.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
import { assertEquals } from "$VERSION/testing/asserts.ts";
const api = createRouter({
  "/hello": () => new Response("world"),
}, { basePath: "/api" });

const res = await api(new Request("http://localhost/api/hello"));
assertEquals(res.ok, true);

The basePath and route path are merged without overlapping slashes.


If an error occurs internally, router always catch the error.

In this case, the response status code will automatically be 500, but no further information is provided.

Normally, details of unexpected errors should not be disclosed in production.

If you are in development and want to know what happened when an error occurs, you can use the debug flag.

import { createRouter } from "$VERSION/mod.ts";
  "*": () => Promise.reject(Error("Something wrong")),
}, { debug: true });

The response body contains a string serializing the errors caught.

Again, this should not be used in production.


In addition to user-defined responses, routers may return the following responses:

Status Headers Condition
404 If not all route paths match.
405 allow If no HTTP method handler is defined.
500 content-type (if debug is true) If an internal error occurs.


All APIs can be found in the deno doc.


version 1.2 or later

Caches URL matching results internally. This speeds up the response time for requests that have already been matched by ^20X.


Benchmark script with comparison to several popular routers is available.

deno task bench

Benchmark results can be found here.


Copyright © 2022-present httpland.

Released under the MIT license