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// Copyright Dirk Lemstra Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.import { ImageMagick } from "../image-magick.ts";import { Exception } from "../internal/exception/exception.ts";import { NativeInstance } from "../internal/native-instance.ts";import { IMagickImage } from "../magick-image.ts";import { quantumArray } from "../wasm/magick.ts";import { _withQuantumArray } from "../internal/native/array.ts";import { _withString } from "../internal/native/string.ts";
export interface IPixelCollection { getArea(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): quantumArray; getPixel(x: number, y: number): quantumArray; setArea( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, quantumPixels: quantumArray, ): void; setArea( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, numberPixels: number[], ): void; setPixel(x: number, y: number, quantumPixels: quantumArray): void; setPixel(x: number, y: number, numberPixels: number[]): void; toByteArray( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, mapping: string, ): quantumArray | null;}
export class PixelCollection extends NativeInstance implements IPixelCollection { private readonly image: IMagickImage;
private constructor(image: IMagickImage) { const instance = Exception.usePointer((exception) => { return ImageMagick._api._PixelCollection_Create( image._instance, exception, ); }); const disposeMethod = ImageMagick._api._PixelCollection_Dispose;
super(instance, disposeMethod);
this.image = image; }
/** @internal */ static _create(image: IMagickImage): PixelCollection { return new PixelCollection(image); }
/** @internal */ static _use<TReturnType>( image: IMagickImage, func: (pixels: IPixelCollection) => TReturnType, ): TReturnType { const pixels = new PixelCollection(image); try { return func(pixels); } finally { pixels.dispose(); } }
/** @internal */ static _map( image: IMagickImage, mapping: string, func: (instance: number) => void, ): void { const pixels = new PixelCollection(image); try { pixels.use(0, 0, image.width, image.height, mapping, (instance) => { func(instance); }); } finally { pixels.dispose(); } }
getArea(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): quantumArray { return Exception.usePointer((exception) => { const instance = ImageMagick._api._PixelCollection_GetArea( this._instance, x, y, width, height, exception, ); const count = width * height * this.image.channelCount; return ImageMagick._api.HEAPU8.subarray(instance, instance + count); }); }
getPixel(x: number, y: number): quantumArray { return this.getArea(x, y, 1, 1); }
setArea( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, quantumPixels: quantumArray, ): void; setArea( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, numberPixels: number[], ): void; setArea( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels: quantumArray | number[], ): void { Exception.usePointer((exception) => { const pixels = (quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels instanceof Uint8Array) ? quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels : new Uint8Array(quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels); _withQuantumArray(pixels, (pixelsPtr) => { ImageMagick._api._PixelCollection_SetArea( this._instance, x, y, width, height, pixelsPtr, pixels.length, exception, ); }); }); }
setPixel(x: number, y: number, quantumPixels: quantumArray): void; setPixel(x: number, y: number, numberPixels: number[]): void; setPixel( x: number, y: number, quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels: quantumArray | number[], ): void { if (quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels instanceof Uint8Array) { this.setArea(x, y, 1, 1, quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels); } else { this.setArea(x, y, 1, 1, quantumPixelsOrNumberPixels); } }
toByteArray( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, mapping: string, ): quantumArray | null { return this.use(x, y, width, height, mapping, (instance) => { return PixelCollection.createArray( instance, width, height, mapping.length, ); }); }
private static createArray( instance: number, width: number, height: number, channelCount: number, ): quantumArray | null { if (instance === 0) { return null; }
try { const count = width * height * channelCount; return ImageMagick._api.HEAPU8.slice(instance, instance + count); } finally { instance = ImageMagick._api._MagickMemory_Relinquish(instance); } }
private use<TReturnType>( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, mapping: string, func: (instance: number) => TReturnType, ): TReturnType | null { return _withString(mapping, (mappingPtr) => { return Exception.use((exception) => { let instance = ImageMagick._api._PixelCollection_ToByteArray( this._instance, x, y, width, height, mappingPtr, exception.ptr, );
return exception.check(() => { const result = func(instance); instance = ImageMagick._api._MagickMemory_Relinquish(instance); return result; }, () => { instance = ImageMagick._api._MagickMemory_Relinquish(instance); return null; }); }); }); }}