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Utilities for interacting with a Johnny Decimal filing system.
import { basename } from "../deps.ts";import { Command } from "../models/command.ts";import { Directory } from "../models/directory.ts";import { Location } from "../models/location.ts";import { logLocationFilenames, logTitle } from "../utilities/log_utilities.ts";
/** * @description * If given a name to list, find that location, and list the contents. * If NOT given a name, and in JD FS, list the contents of the current dir. * @todo If NOT given a name, and NOT in JD FS, list JD FS's home. */const listCommand: Command = { name: "list", description: "List files in a location. If none given, use current location", usage: "jd ls [<location>]", alias: ["ls"],
async fn(this: Directory, [str]: string[] = []) { const currDirName = basename(Deno.cwd()); const id = Location.parseId(str) || Location.parseId(currDirName);
if (id) { const [location] = await this.findLocationsById(id); logTitle(; const contents = await location.getContents(); logLocationFilenames( =>; } else { logTitle("HOME");
const contents: Array<Deno.DirEntry> = []; for await (const file of Deno.readDir(this.$JD_HOME)) { if ([0] !== ".") contents.push(file); }
logLocationFilenames( =>; } },};
export default listCommand;