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Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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class kysely.CreateIndexBuilder
import { kysely } from "";
const { CreateIndexBuilder } = kysely;


CreateIndexBuilder(props: CreateIndexBuilderProps)

Type Parameters

C = never


$call<T>(func: (qb: this) => T): T

Simply calls the provided function passing this as the only argument. $call returns what the provided function returns.

column<CL extends string>(column: OrderedColumnName<CL>): CreateIndexBuilder<C | ExtractColumnNameFromOrderedColumnName<CL>>

Adds a column to the index.

Also see columns for adding multiple columns at once or expression for specifying an arbitrary expression.


await db.schema
        .column('age desc')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

create index "person_first_name_and_age_index" on "person" ("first_name", "age" desc)
columns<CL extends string>(columns: OrderedColumnName<CL>[]): CreateIndexBuilder<C | ExtractColumnNameFromOrderedColumnName<CL>>

Specifies a list of columns for the index.

Also see column for adding a single column or expression for specifying an arbitrary expression.


await db.schema
        .columns(['first_name', 'age desc'])

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

create index "person_first_name_and_age_index" on "person" ("first_name", "age" desc)
execute(): Promise<void>

Specifies an arbitrary expression for the index.


import { sql } from 'kysely'

await db.schema
  .expression(sql`first_name COLLATE "fi_FI"`)

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

create index "person_first_name_index" on "person" (first_name COLLATE "fi_FI")

Adds the "if not exists" modifier.

If the index already exists, no error is thrown if this method has been called.

Adds nulls not distinct specifier to index. This only works on some dialects like PostgreSQL.



The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

create index "person_first_name_index"
on "test" ("first_name")
nulls not distinct;
on(table: string): CreateIndexBuilder<C>

Specifies the table for the index.

Makes the index unique.

Specifies the index type.

using(indexType: string): CreateIndexBuilder<C>

Adds a where clause to the query. This Effectively turns the index partial.


import { sql } from 'kysely'

await db.schema
   .where(sql.ref('billed'), 'is not', true)
   .where('order_nr', 'like', '123%')

The generated SQL (PostgreSQL):

create index "orders_unbilled_index" on "orders" ("order_nr") where "billed" is not true and "order_nr" like '123%'

Column names specified in column or columns are known at compile-time and can be referred to in the current query and context.

Sometimes you may want to refer to columns that exist in the table but are not part of the current index. In that case you can refer to them using sql expressions.

Parameters are always sent as literals due to database restrictions.

where(factory: (qb: ExpressionBuilder<ShallowRecord<string, ShallowRecord<C & string, any>>, string>) => Expression<SqlBool>): CreateIndexBuilder<C>