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LDkit - Linked Data query toolkit for TypeScript developers
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import type { Property, Schema } from "../schema/mod.ts";import { getSchemaProperties } from "../schema/mod.ts";import { CONSTRUCT, DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, sparql as $,} from "../sparql/mod.ts";import { type Context, DataFactory, type Iri, type RDF } from "../rdf.ts";import ldkit from "../namespaces/ldkit.ts";import rdf from "../namespaces/rdf.ts";
import { encode } from "../encoder.ts";
import type { Entity } from "./types.ts";import { QueryHelper } from "./query_helper.ts";
export class QueryBuilder { private readonly schema: Schema; private readonly schemaProperties: Record<string, Property>; private readonly context: Context; private readonly df: RDF.DataFactory;
constructor(schema: Schema, context: Context) { this.schema = schema; this.schemaProperties = getSchemaProperties(this.schema); this.context = context; this.df = new DataFactory(); }
private getResourceSignature() { return this.df.quad( this.df.variable!("iri"), this.df.namedNode(rdf.type), this.df.namedNode(ldkit.Resource), ); }
private getTypesSignature() { return this.df.quad( this.df.variable!("iri"), this.df.namedNode(rdf.type), this.df.variable!("iri_type"), ); }
private entitiesToQuads(entities: Entity[]) { const quadArrays = => encode(entity, this.schema, this.context) ); return ([] as RDF.Quad[]).concat(...quadArrays); }
private getShape( includeOptional = false, wrapOptional = true, omitRootTypes = false, ) { const mainVar = "iri"; const conditions: (RDF.Quad | ReturnType<typeof $>)[] = [];
const populateConditionsRecursive = (s: Schema, varPrefix: string) => { const rdfType = s["@type"]; const properties = getSchemaProperties(s);
if (varPrefix !== "iri" || !omitRootTypes) { rdfType.forEach((type) => { conditions.push( this.df.quad( this.df.variable!(varPrefix), this.df.namedNode(rdf.type), this.df.namedNode(type), ), ); }); }
Object.keys(properties).forEach((prop, index) => { const property = properties[prop]; const isOptional = property["@optional"]; if (!includeOptional && isOptional) { return; } if (wrapOptional && isOptional) { conditions.push($`\nOPTIONAL {`); } conditions.push( this.df.quad( this.df.variable!(varPrefix), this.df.namedNode(property["@id"]), this.df.variable!(`${varPrefix}_${index}`), ), ); if (typeof property["@context"] === "object") { populateConditionsRecursive( property["@context"] as Schema, `${varPrefix}_${index}`, ); } if (wrapOptional && isOptional) { conditions.push($`\n}\n`); } }); };
populateConditionsRecursive(this.schema, mainVar); return conditions; }
countQuery() { const quads = this.getShape(); return SELECT`(count(?iri) as ?count)`.WHERE`${quads}`.build(); }
getQuery(where?: string | RDF.Quad[], limit = 1000) { const selectSubQuery = SELECT` ${this.df.variable!("iri")} `.WHERE` ${this.getShape(false, true)} ${where} `.LIMIT(limit).build();
const query = CONSTRUCT` ${this.getResourceSignature()} ${this.getTypesSignature()} ${this.getShape(true, false, true)} `.WHERE` ${this.getTypesSignature()} ${this.getShape(true, true, true)} { ${selectSubQuery} } `.build();
return query; }
getByIrisQuery(iris: Iri[]) { const query = CONSTRUCT` ${this.getResourceSignature()} ${this.getTypesSignature()} ${this.getShape(true, false, true)} `.WHERE` ${this.getTypesSignature()} ${this.getShape(true, true, true)} VALUES ?iri { ${} } `.build();
return query; }
insertQuery(entities: Entity[]) { const quads = this.entitiesToQuads(entities); return this.insertDataQuery(quads); }
insertDataQuery(quads: RDF.Quad[]) { return INSERT.DATA`${quads}`.build(); }
deleteQuery = (iris: Iri[]) => { return DELETE` ?s ?p ?o `.WHERE` ?s ?p ?o . VALUES ?s { ${} } `.build(); };
deleteDataQuery(quads: RDF.Quad[]) { return DELETE.DATA`${quads}`.build(); }
updateQuery(entities: Entity[]) { const deleteQuads: RDF.Quad[] = []; const insertQuads: RDF.Quad[] = []; const whereQuads: RDF.Quad[] = [];
entities.forEach((entity, index) => { const helper = new QueryHelper( entity, this.schema, this.context, 1000 * index, ); deleteQuads.push(...helper.getDeleteQuads()); insertQuads.push(...helper.getInsertQuads()); whereQuads.push(...helper.getWhereQuads()); });
return DELETE`${deleteQuads}`.INSERT`${insertQuads}` .WHERE`${deleteQuads}`.build(); }}