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LDkit - Linked Data query toolkit for TypeScript developers
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import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "./test_deps.ts";import { createGraph, x } from "./test_utils.ts";
import type { Context } from "../library/rdf.ts";import { decode } from "../library/decoder.ts";import type { Schema } from "../library/schema/mod.ts";import { xsd } from "../library/namespaces/mod.ts";
const decodeGraph = ( turtle: string, schema: Schema, context: Context = { sources: ["dummy"] },) => decode(createGraph(turtle), schema, context);
const evaluate = ( turtle: string, schema: Schema, result: Record<string, unknown>[], context?: Context,) => assertEquals(decodeGraph(turtle, schema, context), result);
Deno.test("Decoder / Minimal resource", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item] };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Multiple minimal resources", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . x:B a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . x:C a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item] };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], }, { $id: x.B, $type: [x.Item], }, { $id: x.C, $type: [x.Item], }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Basic types", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:string "LDKit"^^xsd:string ; x:integer "-5"^^xsd:integer ; x:decimal "-5.0"^^xsd:decimal ; x:double "4.2E9"^^xsd:double ; x:boolean true ; x:date "2021-11-11"^^xsd:date . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], string: { "@id": x.string, "@type": xsd.string, }, integer: { "@id": x.integer, "@type": xsd.integer, }, decimal: { "@id": x.decimal, "@type": xsd.decimal, }, double: { "@id": x.double, "@type": xsd.double, }, boolean: { "@id": x.boolean, "@type": xsd.boolean, }, date: { "@id":, "@type":, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], string: "LDKit", integer: -5, decimal: -5.0, double: 4.2e9, boolean: true, date: new Date("2021-11-11"), }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Required property missing", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], required: { "@id": x.required, }, };
assertThrows(() => decodeGraph(input, schema));});
Deno.test("Decoder / Optional property missing", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], optional: { "@id": x.optional, "@optional": true as const, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Optional array property missing", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], optional: { "@id": x.optional, "@optional": true as const, "@array": true as const, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], optional: [], }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Array simple property", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:array 1, 2, 3 . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], array: { "@id": x.array, "@array": true as const, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], array: [1, 2, 3], }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Array subschema property", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:array x:B, x:C . x:B a x:SubItem ; x:value "value B" . x:C a x:SubItem ; x:value "value C" . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], array: { "@id": x.array, "@array": true as const, "@context": { "@type": [x.SubItem], value: { "@id": x.value, }, }, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], array: [ { $id: x.B, $type: [x.SubItem], value: "value B", }, { $id: x.C, $type: [x.SubItem], value: "value C", }, ], }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Multilang property", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:multilang "CS"@cs, "EN"@en, "Unknown" . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], multilang: { "@id": x.multilang, "@multilang": true as const, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], multilang: { cs: "CS", en: "EN", [""]: "Unknown", }, }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Multilang array property", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:multilang "CS 1"@cs, "CS 2"@cs, "CS 3"@cs, "EN"@en, "Unknown" . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], multilang: { "@id": x.multilang, "@multilang": true as const, "@array": true as const, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], multilang: { cs: ["CS 1", "CS 2", "CS 3"], en: ["EN"], [""]: ["Unknown"], }, }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Preferred language property", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:preferredLanguage "DE"@de, "CS"@cs, "EN"@en . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], preferredLanguage: { "@id": x.preferredLanguage, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], preferredLanguage: "CS", }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output, { language: "cs", sources: ["dummy"] });});
Deno.test("Decoder / Preferred first property", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:preferredFirst "DE"@de, "CS"@cs, "EN"@en . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], preferredFirst: { "@id": x.preferredFirst, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], preferredFirst: "DE", }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / One resource multiple schemas", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:nested x:A ; x:rootProperty "Root property" ; x:nestedProperty "Nested property" . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], rootProperty: { "@id": x.rootProperty, }, nested: { "@id": x.nested, "@context": { "@type": [x.Item], nestedProperty: { "@id": x.nestedProperty, }, }, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], rootProperty: "Root property", nested: { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], nestedProperty: "Nested property", }, }, ];
evaluate(input, schema, output);});
Deno.test("Decoder / Caching", () => { const input = ` x:A a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:nested x:C . x:B a ldkit:Resource, x:Item ; x:nested x:C . x:C a x:Nested . `;
const schema = { "@type": [x.Item], nested: { "@id": x.nested, "@context": { "@type": [x.Nested], }, }, };
const output = [ { $id: x.A, $type: [x.Item], nested: { $id: x.C, $type: [x.Nested], }, }, { $id: x.B, $type: [x.Item], nested: { $id: x.C, $type: [x.Nested], }, }, ];
const decoded = decodeGraph(input, schema);
assertEquals(decoded, output); assertEquals(decoded[0].nested, decoded[1].nested);});