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// Importsimport { Command } from "./deps/cmd.ts";import { array, map } from "./licenses/data.ts";import { permissionsMap, conditionMap, limitationMap, permissions, conditions, limitations, PermissionTag, ConditionTag, LimitiationTag, TagType} from "./tags/tags.ts";import { wordwrap } from "./wordwrap.ts";import { bold, magenta, green, blue, red,} from "./deps/colors.ts";import { generate } from "./generate.ts";
// Initconst program = new Command("license");program.version("1.0.0", "-v, --version");
// Util
const n = "\n";const circle = "• ";
const error = (message: string) => console.log(`${bold(red("error"))} ${message}`);
const cols = ( permissions: PermissionTag<string, string>[], conditions: ConditionTag<string, string>[], limitations: LimitiationTag<string, string>[]) => { let text = green("Permissions".padEnd(16, " ")) + " " + blue("Conditions".padEnd(30, " ")) + " " + red("Limitations") + n; const rows = Math.max( permissions.length, conditions.length, limitations.length ); for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) { const _perm = permissions[i]; const _cond = conditions[i]; const _limt = limitations[i]; const perm = _perm ? (green(circle) + : "".padEnd(17); const cond = _cond ? (blue(circle) + : "".padEnd(31); const limt = _limt ? (red(circle) + : ""; text += perm + cond + limt + n; } return text;};
const printLicenses = async () => { let text = bold(magenta("Licenses")) + ":" + n; const longest = array.reduce((longest, license) => Math.max(longest, license.alias.length), 0); for (let license of array) text += " " + green(license.alias.padEnd(longest, " ")) + " " + blue(license.url) + n; console.log(text);};

const showLicenseInfo = async (_: string) => { const license = map.get(_); if (!license) return error(`Unknown license ${_}`); let text = ""; text += bold(magenta( + n; text += green(license.alias) + " " + blue(license.url) + n; text += wordwrap(license.description) + n + n; // Render permissions conditions limitations text += cols(license.tags.permissions, license.tags.conditions, license.tags.limitations); console.log(text);};
const getTag = (tag: string): void | PermissionTag<string, string> | ConditionTag<string, string> | LimitiationTag<string, string> => { if (permissionsMap.has(tag)) return permissionsMap.get(tag)!; if (conditionMap.has(tag)) return conditionMap.get(tag)!; if (limitationMap.has(tag)) return limitationMap.get(tag)!;};
const printTag = (_tag: string) => { const tag = getTag(_tag); if (!tag) return error(`Unknown tag '${_tag}'!`); let text = ""; if (tag.type === TagType.Permission) text += green("Permission"); if (tag.type === TagType.Condition) text += blue("Condition"); if (tag.type === TagType.Limitation) text += blue("Limitation"); text += " " + + n; text += wordwrap(tag.description); console.log(text);};
// Commands
program .command("ls") .description("List the licenses.") .action(async () => { await printLicenses(); });
program .command("tags") .alias("tl") .description("List all permissions, conditions and limitiations that exists.") .action(async () => { console.log(cols( permissions, conditions, limitations )) });
program .command("info <license>") .description("Show information about a license.") .action(async (license: string) => { await showLicenseInfo(license); });
program .command("tag <name>") .alias("t") .description("Get information about a permission, condition or a limitation.") .action(async (name: string) => { printTag(name); });
program .command("generate <license>") .description("Generate a license.") .alias("g") .option("-y, --year [year]", "The year. Defaults to current year.") .option("-a, --author [name]", "The project author. Defaults to git") .option("-p, --project [name]", "The project name. Defaults to current directory.") .option("-d, --description [desc]", "The project description. Defaults to 'No description.'.") .action(async (_license: string, opts: any) => { try { const license = map.get(_license); if (!license) return error(`License ${_license} not found!`); const content = await generate(license, opts); await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.cwd() + "/" + license.file, content); console.log("✨ Done!") } catch (err) { error(err.message); } });
await program.parseAsync(Deno.args);