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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { merge } from "../core/utils.ts";import { Page } from "../core/filesystem.ts";import { stringify } from "../deps/xml.ts";
import type { Data, Site, StaticFile } from "../core.ts";
type ChangeFreq = | "always" | "hourly" | "daily" | "weekly" | "monthly" | "yearly" | "never";
export interface Options { /** The sitemap file name */ filename: string;
/** The query to search pages included in the sitemap */ query: string;
/** The values to sort the sitemap */ sort: string;
/** The key to use for the lastmod field or a custom function */ lastmod?: string | ((data: Data) => Date);
/** The key to use for the changefreq field or a custom function */ changefreq?: string | ((data: Data) => ChangeFreq);
/** The key to use for the priority field or a custom function */ priority?: string | ((data: Data) => number);}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { filename: "/sitemap.xml", query: "", sort: "url=asc", lastmod: "date",};
/** A plugin to generate a sitemap.xml from page files after build */export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { site.addEventListener("afterRender", () => { // Create the sitemap.xml page const sitemap = Page.create( options.filename, generateSitemap(site.searcher.pages(options.query, options.sort)), );
// Add to the sitemap page to pages site.pages.push(sitemap);
// Search for the `robots.txt` file const robots = site.files.some((file: StaticFile) => file.outputPath === "/robots.txt" );
// If the `robots.txt` file doesn't exist, create it if (!robots) { const robots = site.pages.find((page: Page) => === "/robots.txt" );
if (robots) { robots.content += `Sitemap: ${site.url(options.filename, true)}`; } else { site.pages.push(Page.create( "/robots.txt", `User-agent: *\nAllow: /\n\nSitemap: ${ site.url("/sitemap.xml", true) }`, )); } } });
function generateSitemap(pages: Data[]): string { const sitemap = { xml: { "@version": "1.0", "@encoding": "UTF-8", }, urlset: { "@xmlns": "", url: => { const node: UrlItem = { loc: site.url(data.url as string, true), };
const lastmod = getValue<Date>(data, options.lastmod) ?.toISOString(); if (lastmod) { node.lastmod = lastmod; }
const changefreq = getValue<ChangeFreq>(data, options.changefreq); if (changefreq) { node.changefreq = changefreq; }
const priority = getValue<number>(data, options.priority); if (priority) { node.priority = priority; }
if (data.alternates?.length) { node["xhtml:link"] = Data) => ({ "@rel": "alternate", "@hreflang": alternate.lang, "@href": site.url(alternate.url as string, true), })); } return node; }), }, };
return stringify(sitemap); } };}
interface UrlItem { loc: string; lastmod?: string; changefreq?: ChangeFreq; priority?: number; "xhtml:link"?: { "@rel": "alternate"; "@hreflang": string; "@href": string; }[];}
function getValue<T>( data: Data, key?: string | ((data: Data) => T),): T | undefined { if (!key) { return undefined; }
if (typeof key === "function") { return key(data); }
return data[key];}