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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { bold, green, magenta, red, yellow } from "";
export interface LogOptions { logDuringTesting: string | undefined;}type MsgType = "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error";
export class Log {
private className: string | null = null; public logOptions: LogOptions;
constructor(source: any | string) {
this.logOptions = { logDuringTesting: Deno.env.get("LOG_DURING_TESTING") };
if(typeof source === 'string') { this.className = source === "-" ? "-" : <string> source + ".class"; return; } try { this.className = + ".class"; }catch(error) { this.className = "unknown"; } }
public debug(msg: string, ...supportingDetails: any[]): void { if(Deno.env.get("DEBUG")) { this.emitLogMessage("debug", msg, supportingDetails); } }
public info(msg: string, ...supportingDetails: any[]): void { this.emitLogMessage("info", msg, supportingDetails); }
public warn(msg: string, ...supportingDetails: any[]): void { this.emitLogMessage("warn", msg, supportingDetails); }
public error(msg: string, ...supportingDetails: any[]): void { this.emitLogMessage("error", msg, supportingDetails); }
public compiler(msg: string, msgType: MsgType, ...supportingDetails: any[]): void { if(this.logOptions && this.logOptions.logDuringTesting === "false") return; if(supportingDetails.length > 0) this[msgType](msg, supportingDetails); else this[msgType](msg); }
private emitLogMessage(msgType: MsgType, msg: string, supportingDetails: any[]) {
let finalMessage: string | null = null;
switch(msgType) { case "debug": finalMessage = `${magenta(bold(`[${msgType.toUpperCase()} | ${new Date().toLocaleString()}]`))} [${}] [${this.className}] ${msg}`; break; case "info": finalMessage = `${green(bold(`[${msgType.toUpperCase()} | ${new Date().toLocaleString()}]`))} [${}] [${this.className}] ${msg}`; break; case "warn": finalMessage = `${yellow(bold(`[${msgType.toUpperCase()} | ${new Date().toLocaleString()}]`))} [${}] [${this.className}] ${msg}`; break; case "error": finalMessage = `${red(bold(`[${msgType.toUpperCase()} | ${new Date().toLocaleString()}]`))} [${}] [${this.className}] ${msg}`; break; } if(supportingDetails.length > 0) console[msgType](finalMessage, supportingDetails); else console[msgType](finalMessage); }
public static getLogger(source: any) { return new Log(source); }}