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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
namespace Mandarine.Global
import { Mandarine } from "";
const { Global } = Mandarine;

Handles the interaction with the global environment of Mandarine Mandarine uses a global environment to store and manipulate essential information to work


Get the Components' registry from Mandarine's global environment

Get the entity manager to manipulate the current DB connection

Get the properties mandarine is using. If no properties are set by the user then it gets the default properties.

Read .env file located under the current working directory and adds its values to Deno.env

Get the global environment based on interface @MandarineGlobalInterface

Get the properties (MandarineJsonProperties) from mandarine.json

Get the list of registered middlewares Middleware are added to the global environment in order to not request the DI container every time there is an HTTP Request

Get the resource handler registry for incoming requests.

Get the instance of the Session Container

Get the entity manager to manipulate the current DB connection

Initializes the Session Container. The session container is used to determine the configuration of Mandarine's sessions

Initializes Mandarine Global Environment.

Initializes the middleware list in the global environment.

Initializes the middleware list in the global environment.

Initializes the core modules of Mandarine's security core.

Set a new configuration for the mandarine properties If properties are ignored, it will set the default values.


Contains all the Global objects that Mandarine uses