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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Log } from "../logger/log.ts";import { TemplateEngineException } from "../main-core/exceptions/templateEngineException.ts";import type { ResourceHandler } from "../mvc-framework/core/internal/components/resource-handler-registry/resourceHandler.ts";import { ResourceHandlerRegistry } from "../mvc-framework/core/internal/components/resource-handler-registry/resourceHandlerRegistry.ts";import { MandarineMvc } from "../mvc-framework/mandarine-mvc.ns.ts";import { MandarineORM } from "../orm-core/mandarine-orm.ns.ts";import { MandarineSecurity } from "../security-core/mandarine-security.ns.ts";import { ComponentsRegistry } from "./components-registry/componentRegistry.ts";import type { DI } from "./dependency-injection/di.ns.ts";import { NativeComponentsRegistry } from "./mandarine-native/nativeComponentsRegistry.ts";import { AuthenticationManagerBuilder } from "./mandarine-native/security/authenticationManagerBuilderDefault.ts";// @ts-ignoreimport { MandarineMiscellaneous } from "./Mandarine.miscellaneous.ns.ts";import { MandarineNative } from "./Mandarine.native.ns.ts";import { MandarineEnvironmentalConstants } from "./MandarineEnvConstants.ts";import { MandarineLoading } from "./mandarineLoading.ts";import { TemplatesManager } from "./templates-registry/templatesRegistry.ts";import { CommonUtils } from "./utils/commonUtils.ts";import { JsonUtils } from "./utils/jsonUtils.ts";import { MandarineUtils } from "./utils/mandarineUtils.ts";import type { CookieConfig } from "../mvc-framework/core/interfaces/http/cookie.ts";import { HTTPLoginBuilder } from "../security-core/core/modules/loginBuilder.ts";// @ts-ignoreimport { MandarineCommonInterfaces } from "./Mandarine.commonInterfaces.ns.ts";import type { ComponentComponent } from "./components/component-component/componentComponent.ts";
/*** This namespace contains all the essentials for mandarine to work* Gnerally, global functionings are added to this namespace in order to be easily accesible across Mandarine*/export namespace Mandarine {
export const logger: Log = Log.getLogger("MandarineCompiler")
/** * Used to verify that a method is async */ export const AsyncFunction = (async () => {}).constructor;
export type IniFile = { [prop: string]: string; };
/** * Contains the different properties different stereotypes/components take */ export namespace Components { /** * Interface that provides with the necessary fields for `configuration` in a Mandarine-powered component stereotype of Middleware */ export interface MiddlewareComponent { configuration: { regexRoute: RegExp; } } /** * Interface that provides with the necessary fields for `configuration` in a Mandarine-powered component stereotype of Catch */ export interface CatchComponent { configuration: { exceptionType: any; } } }
/** * Structure of Mandarine Properties. * Mandarine uses these properties to determine how it should work * Custom Properties must extend Mandarine.Properties */ export interface Properties { [prop: string]: any, mandarine: { server: { host?: string, port: number, responseType?: MandarineMVC.MediaTypes, responseTimeHeader?: boolean enableSessions?: boolean } & any, resources: { staticRegExpPattern?: string, staticFolder?: string, staticIndex?: string, cors?: MandarineMVC.CorsMiddlewareOption; } & any, templateEngine: { engine: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.TemplateEngine.Engines, path: string } & any, dataSource?: { dialect: Mandarine.ORM.Dialect.Dialects, data: { host: string, port?: number, username: string, password: string, database: string, poolSize?: number } & any } & any, authentication?: { expiration?: number, cookie?: CookieConfig }, sessions: { touch: boolean, expiration: number, expirationInterval: number }, security?: { cookiesSignKeys: Array<string> } } & any };
/** * Structure for mandarine.json * If mandarine.json is present, some behaviors of the Mandarine starter can be altered such as the location of the properties.json file */ export interface MandarineInitialProperties { propertiesFilePath: string | undefined; denoEnv: { [prop: string]: string } }
/** * ${MY_VAR} will be considered an environmental reference. * The environmental reference will be parsed by CommonUtils.getEnvironmentalReferences * and CommonUtils.getEnvironmentalReferences will return an array of EnvironmentalReference * * ``` * ${MY_VAR} * fullReference: ${MY_VAR} * variable: MY_VAR * environmentalValue: Deno.env.get("MY_VAR") * ``` */ export interface EnvironmentalReference { fullReference: string; variable: string; environmentalValue: string | undefined; }
/** * Handles the interaction with the global environment of Mandarine * Mandarine uses a global environment to store and manipulate essential information to work */ export namespace Global {
/** * Contains all the Global objects that Mandarine uses */ export interface MandarineGlobalInterface { mandarineComponentsRegistry: MandarineCore.IComponentsRegistry; mandarineSessionContainer: MandarineSecurity.Sessions.SessionContainer; mandarineEntityManager: Mandarine.ORM.Entity.EntityManager; mandarineTemplatesManager: MandarineCore.ITemplatesManager, mandarineResourceHandlerRegistry: MandarineCore.IResourceHandlerRegistry mandarineProperties: Properties | Readonly<Properties>; mandarineInitialProperties: MandarineInitialProperties; mandarineMiddleware: Array<ComponentComponent & Components.MiddlewareComponent>; mandarineNativeComponentsRegistry: NativeComponentsRegistry; __SECURITY__: { auth: { authManagerBuilder: MandarineSecurity.Auth.AuthenticationManagerBuilder, httpLoginBuilder: MandarineSecurity.Core.Modules.LoginBuilder } } };
/** * Initializes Mandarine Global Environment. */ export function initializeMandarineGlobal() { if (!(window as any).mandarineGlobal) { (window as any).mandarineGlobal = { mandarineComponentsRegistry: undefined, mandarineSessionContainer: undefined, mandarineEntityManager: undefined, mandarineProperties: undefined, mandarineMiddleware: undefined, mandarineResourceHandlerRegistry: undefined, mandarineTemplatesManager: undefined, mandarineInitialProperties: undefined, mandarineNativeComponentsRegistry: undefined, __SECURITY__: { auth: { authManagerBuilder: undefined } } } } };
/** * Get the global environment based on interface @MandarineGlobalInterface */ export function getMandarineGlobal(): MandarineGlobalInterface { initializeMandarineGlobal(); return (window as any).mandarineGlobal; }
/** * Get the Components' registry from Mandarine's global environment */ export function getComponentsRegistry(): Mandarine.MandarineCore.IComponentsRegistry { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineComponentsRegistry == (null || undefined)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineComponentsRegistry = new ComponentsRegistry(); } return mandarineGlobal.mandarineComponentsRegistry; };
/** * Get the entity manager to manipulate the current DB connection */ export function getEntityManager(): MandarineORM.Entity.EntityManager { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineEntityManager == (null || undefined)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineEntityManager = new Mandarine.ORM.Entity.EntityManager(); }
return mandarineGlobal.mandarineEntityManager; };
/** * Get the entity manager to manipulate the current DB connection */ export function getTemplateManager(): Mandarine.MandarineCore.ITemplatesManager { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineTemplatesManager == (null || undefined)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineTemplatesManager = new Mandarine.MandarineCore.MandarineTemplateManager(); }
return mandarineGlobal.mandarineTemplatesManager; };
/** * Get the resource handler registry for incoming requests. */ export function getResourceHandlerRegistry(): Mandarine.MandarineCore.IResourceHandlerRegistry { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineResourceHandlerRegistry == (null || undefined)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineResourceHandlerRegistry = new Mandarine.MandarineCore.MandarineResourceHandlerRegistry(); }
return mandarineGlobal.mandarineResourceHandlerRegistry; };
/** * Get the properties mandarine is using. * If no properties are set by the user then it gets the default properties. */ export function getMandarineConfiguration(): Properties { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineProperties == (null || undefined)) {
try { const initialProperties: MandarineInitialProperties | undefined = getMandarineInitialProps(); let mandarinePropertiesFile = Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_PROPERTY_FILE) || initialProperties?.propertiesFilePath || Defaults.mandarinePropertiesFile; const propertiesData = JsonUtils.toJson(mandarinePropertiesFile, { isFile: true, allowEnvironmentalReferences: true }); setConfiguration(propertiesData); } catch(error) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineProperties = Defaults.MandarineDefaultConfiguration; logger.warn(`properties.json could not be found or parsed. Using default values. `); }
} return mandarineGlobal.mandarineProperties; };
/** * Get the properties (MandarineJsonProperties) from `mandarine.json` */ export function getMandarineInitialProps() { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal(); let defaultMandarineInitialProps: MandarineInitialProperties = mandarineGlobal.mandarineInitialProperties;
if(defaultMandarineInitialProps == undefined) { defaultMandarineInitialProps = Defaults.MandarineDefaultInitialProperties; try { const propertiesEnvVariable = Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_JSON_FILE); const mandarineJsonFile = propertiesEnvVariable || "./mandarine.json"; const propertiesData: MandarineInitialProperties = JsonUtils.toJson(mandarineJsonFile, { isFile: true, allowEnvironmentalReferences: false }); if(propertiesData) { if(propertiesData.propertiesFilePath) defaultMandarineInitialProps.propertiesFilePath = propertiesData.propertiesFilePath; if(propertiesData.denoEnv) { CommonUtils.setEnvironmentVariablesFromObject(propertiesData.denoEnv); defaultMandarineInitialProps.denoEnv = propertiesData.denoEnv; } mandarineGlobal.mandarineInitialProperties = propertiesData; }
} catch (error) { MandarineUtils.reThrowError(error); } }
return mandarineGlobal.mandarineInitialProperties; }
/** * Read .env file located under the current working directory and adds its values to Deno.env */ export function getMandarineDotEnv() { let compilerAlert = () => logger.compiler("No `.env` file was found or it could not be read", "warn"); try { if(CommonUtils.fileDirExists('./.env')) { const environmentVariablesString = CommonUtils.readFile('./.env'); const enviromentVariables = MandarineUtils.parseConfigurationFile(environmentVariablesString); Object.keys(enviromentVariables).forEach((key) => Deno.env.set(key, enviromentVariables[key])); } else { compilerAlert(); } } catch { compilerAlert(); } }
/** * Set a new configuration for the mandarine properties * If properties are ignored, it will set the default values. */ export function setConfiguration(properties: Properties) { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal(); let defaultConfiguration: Properties = Defaults.MandarineDefaultConfiguration;
if(!properties) (properties as any) = {}; if(!properties.mandarine) properties.mandarine = {}; if(properties.mandarine.server == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.server = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.server; if( == (null || undefined)) =; if(properties.mandarine.server.port == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.server.port = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.server.port; if(properties.mandarine.server.responseType == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.server.responseType = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.server.responseType; if(properties.mandarine.server.responseTimeHeader == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.server.responseTimeHeader = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.server.responseTimeHeader; if(properties.mandarine.templateEngine == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.templateEngine = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.templateEngine; if(properties.mandarine.templateEngine.path == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.templateEngine.path = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.templateEngine.path; if(properties.mandarine.templateEngine.engine == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.templateEngine.engine = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.templateEngine.engine; if(properties.mandarine.resources == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.resources = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.resources; if(properties.mandarine.resources.staticFolder == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.resources.staticFolder = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.resources.staticFolder; if(properties.mandarine.resources.staticRegExpPattern == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.resources.staticRegExpPattern = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.resources.staticRegExpPattern; if(properties.mandarine.authentication == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.authentication = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.authentication; if(properties.mandarine.authentication.expiration == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.authentication.expiration = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.authentication.expiration; if(properties.mandarine.authentication.cookie == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.authentication.cookie = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.authentication.cookie; if(properties.mandarine.sessions == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.sessions = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.sessions; if(properties.mandarine.sessions.touch == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.sessions.touch = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.sessions.touch; if(properties.mandarine.sessions.expiration == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.sessions.expiration = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.sessions.expiration; if(properties.mandarine.sessions.expirationInterval == (null || undefined)) properties.mandarine.sessions.expirationInterval = defaultConfiguration.mandarine.sessions.expirationInterval; if( == (null || undefined)) =; if( == (null || undefined) || && == 0) =;
if(!Object.values(Mandarine.MandarineMVC.TemplateEngine.Engines).includes(properties.mandarine.templateEngine.engine)) throw new TemplateEngineException(TemplateEngineException.INVALID_ENGINE);
mandarineGlobal.mandarineProperties = properties; }
/** * Get the list of registered middlewares * Middleware are added to the global environment in order to not request the DI container every time there is an HTTP Request */ export function getMiddleware(): Array<ComponentComponent & Components.MiddlewareComponent> { initializeMiddleware(); return getMandarineGlobal().mandarineMiddleware; };
/** * Get the instance of the Session Container */ export function getSessionContainer(): MandarineSecurity.Sessions.SessionContainer { const mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal(); return mandarineGlobal.mandarineSessionContainer; };
export function getNativeComponentsRegistry(): NativeComponentsRegistry { const mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineNativeComponentsRegistry == (undefined || null)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineNativeComponentsRegistry = new NativeComponentsRegistry(); }
return mandarineGlobal.mandarineNativeComponentsRegistry; }
/** * Initializes the Session Container. * The session container is used to determine the configuration of Mandarine's sessions */ export function initializeDefaultSessionContainer(): void { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal(); if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineSessionContainer == (undefined || null)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineSessionContainer = Defaults.MandarineDefaultSessionContainer(); } };
/** * Initializes the middleware list in the global environment. */ export function initializeMiddleware() { let mandarineGlobal: MandarineGlobalInterface = getMandarineGlobal();
if(mandarineGlobal.mandarineMiddleware == (undefined || null)) { mandarineGlobal.mandarineMiddleware = new Array<ComponentComponent & Components.MiddlewareComponent>(); } };
/** * Initializes the middleware list in the global environment. */ export function initializeNativeComponents() { const componentRegistry = getNativeComponentsRegistry(); };
/** * Initializes the core modules of Mandarine's security core. */ export function initializeSecurityInternals() { let mandarineGlobal: Mandarine.Global.MandarineGlobalInterface = Mandarine.Global.getMandarineGlobal(); if(!mandarineGlobal.__SECURITY__.auth.authManagerBuilder) { mandarineGlobal.__SECURITY__.auth.authManagerBuilder = new AuthenticationManagerBuilder() } if(!mandarineGlobal.__SECURITY__.auth.httpLoginBuilder) { mandarineGlobal.__SECURITY__.auth.httpLoginBuilder = new HTTPLoginBuilder() } } };
/** * Refers to the Application Context. * The application context is used to manipulate elemental behaviors of Mandarine * It is a singleton class */ export namespace ApplicationContext {
/** * Stats/Metadata of Mandarine's core. * This includes information such as: When Mandarine was started, number of templates, controller, and others. */ export interface ApplicationContextMetadata { startupDate?: number; engineMetadata?: { orm?: { dbEntitiesAmount?: number; repositoriesAmount?: number; }, mvc?: { middlewareAmount?: number; templatesAmount?: number; controllersAmount?: number; } } }
/** * Interface used by the `ApplicationContext` class. Such class contains the necessary bridges for Mandarine's core to work */ export interface IApplicationContext { getComponentsRegistry(): MandarineCore.IComponentsRegistry; getEntityManager(): Mandarine.ORM.Entity.EntityManager; getTemplateManager(): Mandarine.MandarineCore.ITemplatesManager; initializeMetadata(): void; getInstance?: () => ApplicationContext.IApplicationContext; getDIFactory(): DI.FactoryClass; getResourceHandlerRegistry(): Mandarine.MandarineCore.IResourceHandlerRegistry; } };
/** * Refers to all the elements part of the core. */ export namespace MandarineCore {
export enum ValueScopes { CONFIGURATION, ENVIRONMENTAL }
export interface Cookies { [key: string]: string; }
/** * List of all recognizable mandarine components. * * MANUAL_COMPONENT refers to components that are not fundamentally a part of Mandarine, but they were declared manually by the user. */ export enum ComponentTypes { CONTROLLER, COMPONENT, CATCH, SERVICE, CONFIGURATION, MIDDLEWARE, REPOSITORY, MANUAL_COMPONENT, GUARDS, INTERNAL };
/** * List of all native components by Mandarine * * Native components are classes that Mandarine uses in order to fully work properly. They can be then overriden by the developer. */ export enum NativeComponents { WebMVCConfigurer }
/** * Contains the metadata information of the component. * This information is initialized when a component decorator is used */ export interface ComponentMetadataContext { componentName: string; componentType: ComponentTypes; componentInstance: any; componentConfiguration?: any; };
/** * Refers to the context of the component inside the DI container. * When a request is made to the DI container, this is what the request returns. */ export interface ComponentRegistryContext { componentName?: string; componentInstance: any; componentType: ComponentTypes; };
/** * Refers to the essentials of a component class for the Mandarine Engine. */ export interface ComponentCommonInterface { name?: string; classHandler?: any; type?: ComponentTypes; configuration?: any; getName: () => string; getClassHandler: () => any; setClassHandler: (classHandler: any) => void; };
/** * Refers to the Components' Registry * The components' registry is used to communicate the mandarine engine & DI layer * This is possibly the most important class for mandarine to work. * All components are registered inside this class */ export interface IComponentsRegistry { register(componentName: string, componentInstance: any, componentType: ComponentTypes, configuration: any): void; get(componentName: string): ComponentRegistryContext | undefined; clearComponentRegistry(): void; update(itemName: string, newValue: ComponentRegistryContext | undefined): void; exist(itemName: string): boolean; getAllComponentNames(): Array<string> getAllComponentNamesByType(componentType: ComponentTypes): Array<string> | undefined getComponents(): ComponentRegistryContext[]; getControllers(): ComponentRegistryContext[]; getComponentsByComponentType(componentType: Mandarine.MandarineCore.ComponentTypes): Mandarine.MandarineCore.ComponentRegistryContext[]; getComponentByHandlerType(classType: any): ComponentRegistryContext | undefined; resolveDependencies(): void; getRepositoryByHandlerType(classType: any): Mandarine.MandarineCore.ComponentRegistryContext | undefined; connectRepositoriesToProxy(): void; initializeControllers(): void; };
/** * Refers to the templates' registry. * All the templates that are read and initialized at mandarine compile time are registed inside the templates registry * When an user requests a renderable endpoint, the templates' registry will get requested in order to get the template. */ export interface ITemplatesManager { register(renderData: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.TemplateEngine.Decorators.RenderData, engine?: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.TemplateEngine.Engines): void; getTemplate(templatePath: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.TemplateEngine.Decorators.RenderData, manual: boolean): Mandarine.MandarineMVC.TemplateEngine.Template | undefined; getFullPath(templatePath: string): string; initializeTemplates(): void; }
export class MandarineTemplateManager extends TemplatesManager {}
/** * Refers to the resource handler registry. * All the resource handlers either initialized by the user or by Mandarine will be located here. */ export interface IResourceHandlerRegistry { overriden: boolean; addResourceHandler(input: ResourceHandler): IResourceHandlerRegistry; getResourceHandlers(): Array<ResourceHandler>; getNew(): IResourceHandlerRegistry; freezeResourceHandlers(): void; }
/** * Handlers the information of a resource handler that will be processed. */ export interface IResourceHandler { resourceHandlerPath: Array<RegExp> | undefined; resourceHandlerLocations: Array<string> | undefined; resourceHandlerIndex: Array<string> | undefined; resourceResolver: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.HTTPResolvers.ResourceResolver | undefined; addResourceHandler(...resourceHandlerPath: Array<RegExp>): ResourceHandler; addResourceHandlerLocation(...resourceHandlerLocations: Array<string>): ResourceHandler; addResourceHandlerIndex(...resourceHandlerIndex: Array<string>): ResourceHandler; addResourceResolver(resolver: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.HTTPResolvers.ResourceResolver): ResourceHandler; addResourceCors(cors: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.CorsMiddlewareOption): ResourceHandler; };
/** * Properties used by the native components registry. * This interface provides mandarine with the management of native components in the core. */ export interface NativeComponentsProperties { key: NativeComponents; type: any; onOverride?: (output: any) => void; children: Array<{ methodName: string; type: any; isReadonly?: boolean; providers?: Array<any>; onOverride?: (output: any) => void; }> };
/** * List of necessary fields for a Native Component */ export interface MandarineNativeComponent<T> { overriden?: boolean; onInitialization(): T; }
/** * Class responsible for storing resource handlers */ export class MandarineResourceHandlerRegistry extends ResourceHandlerRegistry {}
/** * Refers to the namespace of the Mandarine MVC module. * Inside this module, you can find everything that is related to the MVC Engine */ export import MandarineMVC = MandarineMvc;
/** * Refers to the namespace of the Mandarine Security module. * Inside this module, you can find everything that is related to the Security Engine, like Sessions. */ export import Security = MandarineSecurity;

/** * Refers to the namespace of the Mandarine ORM Core * Inside this module, you can find everything related to `Mandarine Data` or `Mandarine ORM` which handles the logic behind databases */ export import ORM = MandarineORM;
/** * Refers to the namespace containing a list of classes that are used for Mandarine native objects. * Native objects/classes are used to alter the behavior of internal functionalities */ export import Native = MandarineNative;
/** * Refers to the namespace containing interfaces & modules that are not directly part of Mandarine's core */ export import Miscellaneous = MandarineMiscellaneous;
/** * Refers to the namespace of types & interface shortcuts used by Mandarine */ export import Types = MandarineCommonInterfaces;
/** * Contains the default information Mandarine needs to work. */ export namespace Defaults {
export const mandarinePropertiesFile = "./src/main/resources/properties.json";
export const MandarineDefaultConfiguration: Properties = { mandarine: { server: { host: Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SERVER_HOST) || "", port: parseInt(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SERVER_PORT) || "8080"), responseType: MandarineMVC.MediaTypes.TEXT_HTML, responseTimeHeader: CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIME_HEADER) || "false"), enableSessions: CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SERVER_SESSION_MIDDLEWARE) || "true") }, resources: { staticFolder: Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_STATIC_CONTENT_FOLDER) || "./src/main/resources/static", staticRegExpPattern: "/(.*)" }, templateEngine: { path: "./src/main/resources/templates", engine: "ejs" }, authentication: { expiration: CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_AUTH_EXPIRATION_MS) || (1 * 3600 * 1000).toString()), // ONE HOUR cookie: { httpOnly: false } }, sessions: { touch: CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SESSIONS_TOUCH) || "true"), expiration: CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SESSIONS_EXPIRATION_TIME) || (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24).toString()), expirationInterval: CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(Deno.env.get(MandarineEnvironmentalConstants.MANDARINE_SESSIONS_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL) || (1000 * 60 * 60).toString()) }, security: { cookiesSignKeys: ["HORSE", "MANDARINE", "CAT", "NORWAY", "ORANGE", "TIGER"] } } };
export const MandarineDefaultInitialProperties: MandarineInitialProperties = { propertiesFilePath: undefined, denoEnv: {} }
export const MandarineDefaultSessionContainer = (): MandarineSecurity.Sessions.SessionContainer & any => { return Mandarine.Global.getNativeComponentsRegistry().get(MandarineCore.NativeComponents.WebMVCConfigurer).getSessionContainer(); };
export const MandarineDefaultCorsOptions: Mandarine.MandarineMVC.CorsMiddlewareOption = { origin: '*', methods: ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "PATCH", "POST", "DELETE"], optionsSuccessStatus: 204 } };}
/** * The method below initializes what is needed for the Core to run. */(() => { MandarineLoading(); Mandarine.Global.getMandarineDotEnv(); Mandarine.Global.initializeSecurityInternals(); Mandarine.Global.initializeNativeComponents(); Mandarine.Global.initializeMandarineGlobal(); Mandarine.Global.getMandarineInitialProps(); Mandarine.Global.getMandarineConfiguration(); Mandarine.Global.getComponentsRegistry(); Mandarine.Global.getEntityManager(); Mandarine.Global.getTemplateManager(); Mandarine.Global.getResourceHandlerRegistry(); Mandarine.Global.initializeDefaultSessionContainer(); Mandarine.Global.getSessionContainer(); Mandarine.Global.initializeMiddleware();})();