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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { Mandarine } from "../../../../../main-core/Mandarine.ns.ts";import { CommonUtils } from "../../../../../main-core/utils/commonUtils.ts";import { MandarineUtils } from "../../../../../main-core/utils/mandarineUtils.ts";import type { ResourceHandler } from "./resourceHandler.ts";
/** * This class serves as a registry for all the resources that have been added by the user (overriding behavior * or the default handlers Mandarine has. */export class ResourceHandlerRegistry implements Mandarine.MandarineCore.IResourceHandlerRegistry {
public overriden: boolean = false; private resourceHandlers: Array<ResourceHandler> = new Array<ResourceHandler>();
public addResourceHandler(input: ResourceHandler): ResourceHandlerRegistry { if(!this.resourceHandlers.some(item => CommonUtils.arrayIdentical((<Array<RegExp>>item.resourceHandlerPath), (<Array<RegExp>>input.resourceHandlerPath)))) { this.resourceHandlers.push(input); } return this; }
public getResourceHandlers(): Array<ResourceHandler> { return this.resourceHandlers; }
public getNew(): Mandarine.MandarineCore.IResourceHandlerRegistry { return new ResourceHandlerRegistry(); }
public freezeResourceHandlers(): void { this.resourceHandlers.forEach((item, index) => { const newItem = MandarineUtils.absoluteZeroFreeze<ResourceHandler>(item); this.resourceHandlers[index] = newItem; }) this.resourceHandlers = <any> Object.freeze(this.resourceHandlers); }