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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { Mandarine } from "../Mandarine.ns.ts";import { CommonUtils } from "./commonUtils.ts";
export class JsonUtils {
public static toJson(json: string, options: { isFile: boolean, allowEnvironmentalReferences: boolean, handleException?: ((ex: any) => any) | undefined } = { isFile: false, allowEnvironmentalReferences: true, handleException: undefined }) { try { if(options.isFile) json = CommonUtils.readFile(json); if(!json) throw new Error("Json could not be parsed because it was either invalid or the referential file does not exist."); if(options.allowEnvironmentalReferences) json = CommonUtils.processVariableReferencesForEnvironmental(json);
return JSON.parse(json, (key, value) => CommonUtils.parseToKnownType(value)); }catch(ex){ if(options.handleException) { return options.handleException(ex); } else { throw ex; } } }
private static constructWalkJsonResponse(path: string, originalJson: string): Mandarine.Miscellaneous.WalkJson { let valueFromPath = JsonUtils.getValueFromObjectByDots(originalJson, path); let typeofValue = (valueFromPath === (undefined || null)) ? undefined : typeof(valueFromPath); const isArray = Array.isArray(valueFromPath); return { path: path, typeof: <string> ((isArray) ? 'array' : typeofValue), isArray: isArray, isPlainObject: CommonUtils.isObject(valueFromPath) }; }
public static getValueFromObjectByDots(object: any, keys: string): any { return keys?.split('.').reduce((o, k) => (o || {})[k], object || {}); }
public static walkJson(json: string, originalJson: string | undefined = undefined, parent: string | undefined = undefined): Array<Mandarine.Miscellaneous.WalkJson> { if(!originalJson) originalJson = json; let returnValue: Array<Mandarine.Miscellaneous.WalkJson> = new Array<Mandarine.Miscellaneous.WalkJson>(); Object.keys(json).forEach((key: any) => { if(CommonUtils.isObject(json[key])) { parent = !parent ? key : `${parent}.${key}`; returnValue = returnValue.concat([JsonUtils.constructWalkJsonResponse(<string> parent, <string> originalJson)]); returnValue = returnValue.concat(JsonUtils.walkJson(json[key], originalJson, parent)); } else { let path = (parent !== undefined) ? `${parent}.${key}` : key; returnValue.push(JsonUtils.constructWalkJsonResponse(path, <string> originalJson)); } }); return returnValue; }
public static processJson(json: any, processor: (value: any) => void, originalJson: string | undefined = undefined, parent: string | undefined = undefined): any { if(!originalJson) originalJson = json; let returnValue: any = {}; Object.keys(json).forEach((key) => { if(CommonUtils.isObject(json[key])) { parent = !parent ? key : `${parent}.${key}`; returnValue = returnValue.concat([JsonUtils.constructWalkJsonResponse(parent, <string> originalJson)]); returnValue = returnValue.concat(JsonUtils.walkJson(json[key], originalJson, parent)); } else { let path = (parent !== undefined) ? `${parent}.${key}` : key; returnValue.push(JsonUtils.constructWalkJsonResponse(path, <string> originalJson)); } }); }}