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🦕 deno utility module for simple table printing
import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from ''import { table } from './mod.ts'
const { test } = Deno
test('it formats an array of objects into a simple, flexible table', () => { const data = [ { foo: 0, bar: 0 }, { foo: 1, bar: 1 }, { foo: 4, bar: 4 }, ] /* foo bar 0 0 1 1 4 4 */ assertEquals('foo bar\n0 0\n1 1\n4 4', table(data, ['foo', 'bar']))})
test('the given header sets the order of the columns', () => { const data = [ { foo: 'fff', bar: 'bbb' }, { foo: 'ffff', bar: 'bbbb' }, ] /* bar foo bbb fff bbbb ffff */ assertEquals('bar foo\nbbb fff\nbbbb ffff', table(data, ['bar', 'foo']))})
test('it does not display null or undefined values', () => { const data = [ { foo: 'fff', bar: undefined, baz: 'zzzzz' }, { bar: 'bbbb', foo: null, baz: '' }, ] /* bar baz foo zzzzz fff bbbb */ assertEquals( 'bar baz foo\n zzzzz fff\nbbbb', table(data, ['bar', 'baz', 'foo']) )})
test('it ignores discrepancies between data properties and given header', () => { const data = [ { item: 'potato', id: 1 }, { item: 'tomato', id: 2 }, ] /* id item 1 potato 2 tomato */ assertEquals( 'id item\n1 potato\n2 tomato', table(data, ['foo', 'id', 'bar', 'item']) )})
test('it replaces null or undefined values', () => { const data = [ { foo: 'fff', bar: undefined, baz: 'zzzzz' }, { bar: 'bbbb', foo: null, baz: '' }, ] /* bar baz foo NULL zzzzz fff bbbb NULL NULL */ assertEquals( 'bar baz foo\nNULL zzzzz fff\nbbbb NULL NULL', table(data, ['bar', 'baz', 'foo'], { emptyReplacer: 'NULL' }) )})
test('it overwrites the default padding', () => { const data = [{ a: 'A', b: 'B', c: 'C' }] /* a c b A C B */ assertEquals( 'a c b\nA C B', table(data, ['a', 'c', 'b'], { padding: 4 }) )})
test('it makes the header upcase', () => { const data = [{ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }] /* FOO BAR BAZ 1 2 3 */ assertEquals( 'FOO BAR BAZ\n1 2 3', table(data, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], { upcaseHeader: true }) )})
test('it handles multiple options', () => { const data = [{ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: null }] /* FOO BAR BAZ 1 2 X */ assertEquals( 'FOO BAR BAZ\n1 2 X', table(data, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], { upcaseHeader: true, padding: 4, emptyReplacer: 'X', }) )})
test('it behaves as usual when passed default options', () => { const data = [{ foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: null }] /* foo bar baz 1 2 */ assertEquals( 'foo bar baz\n1 2', table(data, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], { upcaseHeader: false, padding: 2, emptyReplacer: '', }) )})
test('it handles various value types', () => { const data = [ { foo: null, bar: new Date() }, { foo: ['1', 13, 3333], bar: { doo: 'daloo', h: 3 } }, ] /* foo bar Fri May 22 2020 08:52:18 GMT+0200 (CEST) 1,13,3333 [object Object] */ assertEquals( `foo bar\n ${new Date()}\n1,13,3333 [object Object]`, table(data, ['foo', 'bar']) )})
test('it does not complain when given empty data', () => { const data: Record<string, any>[] = [] assertEquals('foo bar', table(data, ['foo', 'bar']))})
test('it does not complain when given empty header', () => { const data = [{ foo: 0, bar: 1 }] assertEquals('', table(data, []))})
test('it throws on non-consistent data', () => { let data: Record<string, any>[] = [ { foo: 0, bar: 1 }, { foo: 1, gnu: 0 }, ] assertThrows( () => { table(data, ['foo', 'bar']) }, Error, "No property 'bar'" )
data = [ { foo: 0, gnu: 0 }, { bar: 1, baz: 0 }, ] assertThrows( () => { table(data, ['gnu']) }, Error, "No property 'gnu'" )
data = [{ foo: 0 }, { foo: 1, gnu: 0 }] assertThrows( () => { table(data, ['gnu']) }, Error, 'Given header does not match' )})