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Utilities to help mock behavior, spy on function calls, stub methods, and fake time for tests.
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import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls } from "./asserts.ts";import { assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertThrows,} from "./deps.ts";import { Spy, spy, SpyError } from "./spy.ts";import { Point, stringifyPoint } from "./test_shared.ts";
Deno.test("spy default", () => { const func: Spy<void> = spy(); assertSpyCalls(func, 0);
assertEquals(func(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: undefined, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1);
assertEquals(func("x"), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: undefined, args: ["x"], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2);
assertEquals(func({ x: 3 }), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: undefined, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3);
assertEquals(func(3, 5, 7), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: undefined, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4);
const point: Point = new Point(2, 3); assertEquals(func(Point, stringifyPoint, point), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 4, { self: undefined, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 5);
assertThrows( () => func.restore(), SpyError, "no instance property to restore", );});
Deno.test("spy function", () => { const func: Spy<void> = spy((value) => value); assertSpyCalls(func, 0);
assertEquals(func(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: undefined, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1);
assertEquals(func("x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: undefined, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2);
assertEquals(func({ x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: undefined, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3);
assertEquals(func(3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: undefined, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4);
// Assert functions with variable types const spiedFn = spy((a: number, b: boolean) => b ? a - 1 : a); assertEquals(spiedFn(1, true), 0); assertSpyCall(spiedFn, 0, { returned: 0, args: [1, true], });
assertEquals(spiedFn(1, false), 1); assertSpyCall(spiedFn, 1, { returned: 1, args: [1, false], });
assertSpyCalls(spiedFn, 2);
const point: Point = new Point(2, 3); assertEquals(func(Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 4, { self: undefined, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 5);
assertThrows( () => func.restore(), SpyError, "no instance property to restore", );});
Deno.test("spy instance property", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const func: Spy<Point> = spy(point, "action"); assertSpyCalls(func, 0);
assertEquals(func(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: undefined, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1);
assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [] }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2);
assertEquals(func("x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 2, { self: undefined, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 3);
assertEquals(point.action("x"), "x"); assertSpyCall(func, 3, { self: point, args: ["x"], returned: "x", }); assertSpyCalls(func, 4);
assertEquals(func({ x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 4, { self: undefined, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 5);
assertEquals(point.action({ x: 3 }), { x: 3 }); assertSpyCall(func, 5, { self: point, args: [{ x: 3 }], returned: { x: 3 }, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 6);
assertEquals(func(3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 6, { self: undefined, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 7);
assertEquals(point.action(3, 5, 7), 3); assertSpyCall(func, 7, { self: point, args: [3, 5, 7], returned: 3, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 8);
assertEquals(func(Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 8, { self: undefined, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 9);
assertEquals(point.action(Point, stringifyPoint, point), Point); assertSpyCall(func, 9, { self: point, args: [Point, stringifyPoint, point], returned: Point, }); assertSpyCalls(func, 10);
assertNotEquals(func, Point.prototype.action); assertEquals(point.action, func);
func.restore(); assertEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), SpyError, "instance property already restored", ); assertThrows( () => func(), SpyError, "instance property already restored", );});
Deno.test("spy instance method symbol", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const func: Spy<Point> = spy(point, Symbol.iterator); assertSpyCalls(func, 0);
const values: number[] = []; for (const value of point) { values.push(value); } assertSpyCall(func, 0, { self: point, args: [], }); assertSpyCalls(func, 1);
assertEquals(values, [2, 3]); assertEquals([...point], [2, 3]); assertSpyCall(func, 1, { self: point, args: [], }); assertSpyCalls(func, 2);
assertNotEquals(func, Point.prototype[Symbol.iterator]); assertEquals(point[Symbol.iterator], func);
func.restore(); assertEquals(point[Symbol.iterator], Point.prototype[Symbol.iterator]); assertThrows( () => func.restore(), SpyError, "instance property already restored", );});
Deno.test("spy instance method property descriptor", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const actionDescriptor: PropertyDescriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: false, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any value: function (...args: any[]) { return args[1]; }, }; Object.defineProperty(point, "action", actionDescriptor); const action: Spy<Point> = spy(point, "action"); assertSpyCalls(action, 0);
assertEquals(action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(action, 0, { self: undefined, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(action, 1);
assertEquals(point.action(), undefined); assertSpyCall(action, 1, { self: point, args: [], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(action, 2);
assertEquals(action("x", "y"), "y"); assertSpyCall(action, 2, { self: undefined, args: ["x", "y"], returned: "y", }); assertSpyCalls(action, 3);
assertEquals(point.action("x", "y"), "y"); assertSpyCall(action, 3, { self: point, args: ["x", "y"], returned: "y", }); assertSpyCalls(action, 4);
assertNotEquals(action, actionDescriptor.value); assertEquals(point.action, action);
action.restore(); assertEquals(point.action, actionDescriptor.value); assertEquals( Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(point, "action"), actionDescriptor, ); assertThrows( () => action.restore(), SpyError, "instance property already restored", );});
Deno.test("spy instance method property getter/setter", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const action: Spy<Point> = spy(point, "action"); const getter: Spy<Point> = action.get!; const setter: Spy<Point> = action.set!;
assertSpyCalls(action, 0); assertSpyCalls(getter, 0); assertSpyCalls(setter, 0);
assertStrictEquals(point.action, action); assertSpyCall(getter, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: action, }); assertSpyCalls(action, 0); assertSpyCalls(getter, 1); assertSpyCalls(setter, 0);
assertEquals(point.action(1, 2), 1); assertSpyCall(action, 0, { self: point, args: [1, 2], returned: 1 }); assertSpyCall(getter, 1, { self: point, args: [], returned: action }); assertSpyCalls(action, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 2); assertSpyCalls(setter, 0);
const replacement = () => 3; assertStrictEquals(point.action = replacement, replacement); assertSpyCall(setter, 0, { self: point, args: [replacement] }); assertSpyCalls(action, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 2); assertSpyCalls(setter, 1);
assertStrictEquals(point.action, replacement); assertSpyCall(getter, 2, { self: point, args: [], returned: replacement }); assertSpyCalls(action, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 3); assertSpyCalls(setter, 1);
assertEquals(point.action(1, 2), 3); assertSpyCall(getter, 3, { self: point, args: [], returned: replacement }); assertSpyCalls(action, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 4); assertSpyCalls(setter, 1);
action.restore(); assertStrictEquals(point.action, Point.prototype.action); assertSpyCalls(getter, 4); assertThrows( () => action.restore(), SpyError, "instance property already restored", );});
Deno.test("spy instance property getter/setter", () => { const point = new Point(2, 3); const x: Spy<Point> = spy(point, "x"); const getter: Spy<Point> = x.get as Spy<Point>; const setter: Spy<Point> = x.set as Spy<Point>;
assertSpyCalls(x, 0); assertSpyCalls(getter, 0); assertSpyCalls(setter, 0);
assertStrictEquals(point.x, 2); assertSpyCall(getter, 0, { self: point, args: [], returned: 2 }); assertSpyCalls(x, 0); assertSpyCalls(getter, 1); assertSpyCalls(setter, 0);
assertThrows(() => x(1, 2), SpyError, "not a function"); assertSpyCall(getter, 1, { self: undefined, args: [], returned: 2 }); assertSpyCall(x, 0, { self: undefined, args: [1, 2], error: { Class: SpyError, msg: "not a function" }, }); assertSpyCalls(x, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 2); assertSpyCalls(setter, 0);
assertStrictEquals(point.x = 4, 4); assertSpyCall(setter, 0, { self: point, args: [4], returned: undefined }); assertSpyCalls(x, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 2); assertSpyCalls(setter, 1);
assertStrictEquals(point.x, 4); assertSpyCall(getter, 2, { self: point, args: [], returned: 4 }); assertSpyCalls(x, 1); assertSpyCalls(getter, 3); assertSpyCalls(setter, 1);
x.restore(); assertStrictEquals(point.x, 2); assertSpyCalls(getter, 3); assertThrows( () => x.restore(), SpyError, "instance property already restored", );});