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An extremely simple way to mock globalThis.fetch responses
import { MatchHandler, router } from "";
type Fetch = typeof globalThis.fetch;
const unmockedFetch = globalThis.fetch;
/** Global store of routes. */const routeStore: Map<string, MatchHandler> = new Map();
/** * Replacement for `fetch` that implements the same interface, but mocks * requests using a store of routes and handlers. */export async function mockedFetch( ...args: Parameters<Fetch>): ReturnType<Fetch> { let [input, init] = args; if (input instanceof URL) input = input.toString(); const routes = Object.fromEntries(routeStore.entries()); const req = new Request(input, init); const res = router(routes, (req) => { const allRoutes = [...routeStore.keys()].join(", "); throw new Error( `Request not mocked: ${req.method} ${req.url}\n${allRoutes}`, ); }, (_req, error) => { throw error; })(req); return await res;}
/** * Replace `window.fetch` with mock that routes requests to a matching handler. * * To reset `window.fetch`, call `uninstall()`. */export function install() { globalThis.fetch = mockedFetch;}
/** * Restore `window.fetch` to what it was before `install()` was called. */export function uninstall() { globalThis.fetch = unmockedFetch;}
/** * Remove all mocked routes and handlers. */export function reset() { routeStore.clear();}
/** * Mock a new route, or override an existing handler. * * The route uses path-to-regexp syntax, with the additional extension of * (optional) method routing (prefix with METHOD@, eg. `POST@/user/:id`). * * The handler function can either be a function or an async function. * * ``` * mock("GET@/users/:id", async (_req, match) => { * const id = parseInt(match.params["id"]); * const data = await magicallyGetMyUserData(id); * return new Response(JSON.stringify(data)); * }) * ``` */export function mock(route: string, handler: MatchHandler) { routeStore.set(route, handler);}
/** Remove an existing route handler. */export function remove(route: string) { routeStore.delete(route);}