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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { MongoClient } from "./client.ts";import { UpdateResult } from "./result.ts";import { CommandType, FindOptions } from "./types.ts";import { convert, parse } from "./type_convert.ts";import { dispatchAsync, encode } from "./util.ts";
export class Collection { constructor( private readonly client: MongoClient, private readonly dbName: string, private readonly collectionName: string ) {}
private async _find(filter?: Object, options?: FindOptions): Promise<any> { const doc = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.Find, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, filter, ...options }) ) ); return doc; }
public async count(filter?: Object): Promise<number> { const count = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.Count, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, filter }) ) ); return count as number; }
public async findOne(filter?: Object): Promise<any> { return parse(await this._find(filter, { findOne: true })); }
public async find(filter?: Object, options?: FindOptions): Promise<any> { return parse(await this._find(filter, { findOne: false, ...options })); }
public async insertOne(doc: Object): Promise<any> { const _id = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.InsertOne, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, doc: convert(doc) }) ) ); return _id; }
public async insertMany(docs: Object[]): Promise<any> { const _ids = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.InsertMany, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, docs: convert(docs) }) ) ); return _ids; }
private async _delete( query: Object, deleteOne: boolean = false ): Promise<number> { const deleteCount = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.Delete, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, query, deleteOne }) ) ); return deleteCount as number; }
public deleteOne(query: Object): Promise<number> { return this._delete(query, true); }
public deleteMany(query: Object): Promise<number> { return this._delete(query, false); }
private async _update( query: Object, update: Object, updateOne: boolean = false ): Promise<UpdateResult> { const result = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.Update, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, query: convert(query), update: convert(update), updateOne }) ) ); return result as UpdateResult; }
public updateOne(query: Object, update: Object): Promise<UpdateResult> { return this._update(query, update, true); }
public updateMany(query: Object, update: Object): Promise<UpdateResult> { return this._update(query, update, false); }
public async aggregate<T = any>(pipeline: Object[]): Promise<T[]> { const docs = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.Aggregate, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, pipeline }) ) ); return parse(docs) as T[]; }
public async createIndexes( models: { keys: Object; options?: { background?: boolean; unique?: boolean; name?: string; partialFilterExpression?: Object; sparse?: boolean; expireAfterSeconds?: number; storageEngine?: Object; }; }[] ): Promise<string[]> { const docs = await dispatchAsync( { command_type: CommandType.CreateIndexes, client_id: this.client.clientId }, encode( JSON.stringify({ dbName: this.dbName, collectionName: this.collectionName, models }) ) ); return docs as string[]; }}