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Powerful machine learning, accelerated by WebGPU
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import { WASM } from "../backend_wasm/mod.ts";import { Sequential } from "./mod.ts";import { Backend, BackendType, NetworkConfig } from "./types.ts";
// deno-lint-ignore no-window-prefixwindow.onerror = () => { if (typeof Deno == "undefined") { throw new Error( "Warning: Deno is not defined. Did you mean to import from ./web.ts instead of ./mod.ts?", ); }};
export interface BackendInstance { /** * Initialize the backend. */ init(): Promise<void>;}
/** * The Backend Loader is responsible for loading the backend and setting it up. */export interface BackendLoader { /** * Setup the backend. Returns true if the backend was successfully setup. */ setup(silent: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
/** * Load the backend from a config. */ loadBackend(config: NetworkConfig): Backend;
/** * Load a model from a safe tensors file path. */ loadFile(path: string): Sequential;
/** * Load a model from Uint8Array data. */ load(data: Uint8Array): Sequential;}
/** * setupBackend loads the backend and sets it up. * ```ts * import { setupBackend, CPU } from ""; * * await setupBackend(CPU); * ``` */export async function setupBackend(loader: BackendLoader, silent = false) { const success = await loader.setup(silent); if (!success) { if (!silent) console.log("Defaulting to CPU Backend"); await WASM.setup(silent); } Engine.backendLoader = loader;}
/** * the Engine manages the backend and the backend loader. */export class Engine { static backendLoader: BackendLoader;
static type: BackendType;}