Terminal Progress
Includes Deno configuration
Current version released
2 years ago
NextRJ Terminal Progress
A terminal progress.
- Support inner template key
. - Support add extra template key.
TODO: support template key
Example 1: a simple time-base-progress - every 100 milliseconds step 1 until to 100
import { TerminalProgress } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_terminal_progress@$VERSION/mod.ts"
await new TerminalProgress().stepToEnd(100)
// every 100 milliseconds step 1 until 100 auto end progress
// output `0/100` to `100/100`
Example 2: manual control the step
import { TerminalProgress } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_terminal_progress@$VERSION/mod.ts"
import { delay } from "https://deno.land/std@0.224.0/async/mod.ts"
const progress = new TerminalProgress({ start: 0, total: 123, auto: true, clear: false })
progress.to(0) // output `0/123`
for await (const [index, _] of Array.from({ length: 123 }).entries()) {
await delay(100)
progress.to(index + 1)
// output `0/123` to `123/123`
Example 3: with title, percent, value and end
import { TerminalProgress } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_terminal_progress@$VERSION/mod.ts"
await new TerminalProgress({
start: 0,
end: 200,
template: "Downloading ${title} ${value}/${end}=${percent}",
title: "http:/www.example.com/x",
// output `Download http:/www.example.com/x 0/200=0.00%` to `200/200=100.00%`
Example 4: color the output text
import { TerminalProgress } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_terminal_progress@$VERSION/mod.ts"
await new TerminalProgress({
start: 0,
end: 200,
template: "${c.green(percent)}",
// output like `50%` with green color
Example 5: add extra template key
import { TerminalProgress } from "https://deno.land/x/nextrj_terminal_progress@$VERSION/mod.ts"
const step = (value: number, end: number) => `[${value}/${end}]`
new TerminalProgress({
extra: { step },
template: "${step(value, end)}",
// output like `[50/100]`